[摄影] 顶级摄影师时装模特摄影与后期修饰高端训练视频教程 RGGEDU The Art Of Creativity...

查看1201 | 回复6 | 2017-3-27 14:10:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本视频教程是由Gumroad机构出品的顶级摄影师时装模特摄影与后期修饰高端训练视频教程,RGGEDU The Art Of Creativity In Fashion Photography & Retouching With Amanda Diaz,时长:25小时,大小:19.7 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop, Lightroom,作者:Amanda Diaz,共14个章节,语言:英语。


RGGEDU The Art Of Creativity In Fashion Photography & Retouching With Amanda Diaz
This tutorial includes 75 videos that cover 9 different models exploring various looks and concepts. Come on-set with Amanda while she works with real clients to gain insight on her entire workflow on how she creates her stunning imagery. You do not need high end gear to create stellar images, just this tutorial and a willingness to learn!
We build the most comprehensive photography tutorials available anywhere on the internet with the worlds best instructors. We shoot everything on-location in a documentary style to give you the sense you are with the instructor. Our goal is that you learn through seeing the entire workflow and thought process. It’s our mission to cut out the frustration and guessing from your workflow. These tutorials will propel you to understand WHY and not just HOW with a solid foundation from successful teachers. Nothing is scripted, nothing is rehearsed but everything is planned. When you start one of our tutorials you are going on a immersive learning experience found only at RGG EDU.
25 Hours of Digital Video Content That You Can Instantly Download
75 Videos That Cover 09 Different Models & Various Looks
Detailed Makeup Tutorials Included
Amanda’s Workshop PDF’s Included
All Shoots Shot On-Location In Easy To Access Places
Post-Processing Made Simple
Lots Of Prerequisite Sections For Photography & Retouching
Introduction To Styling Your Own Photos
Top Advice From Magazine Owners On Submitting
Marketing Interview With Amanda On Social Media
Learn Beauty, Editorial, Commercial, Ethereal, & Other Styles
Introduction To Photoshop & Lightroom
Post Production Prerequisites Included
The Do’s & Don’ts of Compositon
Improve Your Posing Direction
Photoshop Actions Included
Learn Amanda’s Full Post Production Secrets
You Will Never Shoot The Same Way After Watching This Tutorial下载地址:
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pKbE2Sj 密码:hgne

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xabing | 2019-3-8 08:44:48 | 显示全部楼层
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hnz | 2020-1-23 04:47:41 | 显示全部楼层
顶级摄影师时装模特摄影与后期修饰高端训练视频教程 R
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yzh2132910 | 2020-4-22 23:37:51 | 显示全部楼层

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