[Blender] Blender人类手臂雕刻艺术视频教程 |
![]() 本视频教程是由CGCookie机构出品的Blender人类手臂雕刻艺术视频教程,CGCookie Art of Sculpting Human Hand in Blender,大小:319 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Blender 2.68,作者:Kent Trammell,语言:英语。 Blender是一个开源的多平台轻量级全能三维动画制作软件,提供从建模,动画,材质,渲染,到音频处理,视频剪辑的一系列动画短片人人素材制作解决方案。blender以python为内建脚本,支持yafaray渲染器,同时还内建游戏引擎。动画工具,包括了反向动作组件,可设定骨骼,结构变形,关键影格,时间线,非线性视频编辑,顶点量重及柔化动量组件,包括网孔碰撞侦察和一个具有侦察碰察的粒子系统,固体碰撞、布料、液体、力场解算。 CGCookie Art of Sculpting Human Hand in Blender Get back to the basics of Sculpting! The popularity of digital sculpting in recent years has produced a plethora of incredible artworks. Artists like Kolby Jukes, Rafael Grasseti, and Furio Tedeschi have showcased the creative potential and opportunity offered by digital sculpting that you and I can tap into. The only thing standing in our way is the time required to hone our sculpting skill set. So let’s start practicing! 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2229089749&uk=892162811 |