[Illustrator] Illustrator卡通人物设计训练视频教程

查看1241 | 回复5 | 2017-3-12 14:06:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本教程是由Skillshare机构出品的Illustrator卡通人物设计训练视频教程,SkillShare Introduction To Cartoon Character Design,大小:618 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Illustrator,共7个章节,作者:Denis Zilber,语言:英语。

Adobe Illustrator是一种应用于出版、多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画的软件,作为一款非常好的图片处理工具,Adobe Illustrator广泛应用于印刷出版、专业插画、多媒体图像处理和互联网页面的制作等,也可以为线稿提供较高的精度和控制,适合生产任何小型设计到大型的复杂项目。

SkillShare Introduction To Cartoon Character Design
I am an illustrator specializing in character development and design. I have been developing my stylized, cartooned characters for years, and I am going to share with you my best illustration tips and processes for developing your own!

What You’ll Learn
You will learn the entire character creation process. We will begin by working with photo references and inspiration resources, and go into rough sketching and more refined value sketches. Then, we will explore exaggerated shapes and cartoon features with S and C-curved lines, keeping correct character anatomy. We will finish with basic three-point light rendering.

References and Character Exploration. We will begin with gathering resources for inspiration and exploring the qualities of your character.
Rough Sketch. You will compose a sketch of your character.
Exaggerating Shapes. You will refine your sketch and learn to exaggerate your character’s shapes with S and C curves.
Anatomy & Sketching Values. I will cover anatomy basics with exaggerated features, and you will add value to your shapes.
Color Blocking. We will discuss color and you will add it to your drawing and explore rendering techniques.
Final Rendering. You will refine the details of your sketch and add special effects.

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