[Illustrator] Illustrator字体设计训练视频教程

查看2092 | 回复6 | 2017-3-12 13:49:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本教程是由Skillshare机构出品的Illustrator字体设计训练视频教程,Skillshare Techniques for Lettering with Illustrator,大小:666 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Adobe Illustrator,共7个章节,作者:Spencer Charles,语言:英语。

Adobe Illustrator是一种应用于出版、多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画的软件,作为一款非常好的图片处理工具,Adobe Illustrator广泛应用于印刷出版、专业插画、多媒体图像处理和互联网页面的制作等,也可以为线稿提供较高的精度和控制,适合生产任何小型设计到大型的复杂项目。

Skillshare Techniques for Lettering with Illustrator
Spencer Charles, senior designer at New York-based graphic design firm Louise Fili Ltd, will walk you through a series of techniques in Adobe Illustrator to create unique letterforms.
From workspace tips to embellishment techniques, learn to create stunning work using a program you already love.
What You’ll Learn
In this class, you’ll learn a variety of techniques for using Adobe Illustrator for lettering. We’ll walk through tips, tricks, and best practices to help you create your work.
Research. We’ll take a look at some historical examples and examine how common letterforms are made.
Workspace Best Practices. We’ll go through best ways to use grids, layers, and the infamous pen tool.
Script and Uppercase Alphabet Styles. We’ll take a look at how you construct lowercase and uppercase letters, and see how you can achieve certain styles in Illustrator.
Effects and Embellishment. We’ll elevate your work to the next level, creating inline, outlines, drop shadows, and more.
Monograms. We’ll wrap up the class by creating monograms, demonstrating how to weave and interlock letterforms.

[url=Illustrator字体设计训练视频教程.rar (636.23 MB)]Illustrator字体设计训练视频教程.rar (636.23 MB)[/url]

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