[Revit] Revit实例研讨训练视频教程 Udemy 3D Revit Hands-on Workshop + 4 hour live-onli...

查看862 | 回复3 | 2017-3-22 16:47:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的Revit实例研讨训练视频教程,Udemy 3D Revit Hands-on Workshop + 4 hour live-online Training,时长:4小时,大小:720 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Revit,共23个章节,语言:英语。

Revit是Autodesk公司一套系列软件的名称。Revit系列软件是专为建筑信息模型(BIM)构建的,可帮助建筑设计师设计、建造和维护质量更好、能效更高的建筑。AutodeskRevit作为一种应用程序提供,它结合了AutodeskRevit Architecture、AutodeskRevit MEP和AutodeskRevit Structure软件的功能。

Udemy 3D Revit Hands-on Workshop + 4 hour live-online Training
The 3D Revit Workshop is designed for Beginners & Industry Professionals looking to explore Revit and the 3DTi programs
* Lectures 23
Welcome to 3DTraining.com’s Hands-on Workshop Video Series. If you are a beginner looking to learn Autodesk Revit, these videos will give you a quick overview of the software to help you decide if you seriously want to pursue a career in 3D.
*Autodesk Revit’s Core Interface and Navigation
*3D Workflows (Project Setup, Creating Interiors & Exteriors, Adding furniture, Drawings and 3D Views)
*Design your own 3D Interior Design project and sign up to attend a complimentary 4 hour live-online session with a 3DTraining.com Professional Instructor!
This course walks you through step by step how to work on a project from start to finish such as project planning, modeling, materials, lighting & rendering. After this course, you will have created your own architectural visualization.
Included in this course is a link to download the 30 day trial version of Revit (Courtesy of Autodesk), approximately 120 minutes of training video provided by 3DTraining.com, and a link to sign up for a 4 hour live-online training session with a 3DTraining.com Instructor (convenient night and weekend schedules available).
The average student will complete this course in approximately 8-12 hours (including live-online class).
If you enjoy your experience working in the software and you are interested in professional training to find work in this field visit our site and sign up for a free one hour intro class for more information.
Also when you visit our site, don’t forget to check out our company news page to see how the 3DTraining.com unique training methodology has helped many students launch a successful career in the 3D industry.下载地址:
[url=Revit实例研讨训练视频教程.rar (759.67 MB)]Revit实例研讨训练视频教程.rar (759.67 MB)[/url]

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