[Revit] Revit智能自适应建模技术视频教程

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本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Revit智能自适应建模技术视频教程,Digital-Tutors Creating Organic Forms Using Adaptive Modeling Techniques in Revit,时长:25分,大小:80 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Revit 2014,共5个章节,作者:Pierre Derenoncourt,语言:英语。

Revit是Autodesk公司一套系列软件的名称。Revit系列软件是专为建筑信息模型(BIM)构建的,可帮助建筑设计师设计、建造和维护质量更好、能效更高的建筑。AutodeskRevit作为一种应用程序提供,它结合了AutodeskRevit Architecture、AutodeskRevit MEP和AutodeskRevit Structure软件的功能。


Digital-Tutors Creating Organic Forms Using Adaptive Modeling Techniques in Revit
In this series of tutorials we’ll learn how use adaptive modeling techniques to create intelligent and flexible models in Revit. We’ll begin by working in the conceptual massing environment where we’ll use reference lines, planes and parameters to create a form and surface.
Once the basic form is in place we’ll then divide the surface and enable nodes. Next, we’ll switch to the generic adaptive modeling environment where we’ll create a flexible structural member using reference planes and points that we’ll make adaptive. From there we’ll load the adaptive component into our massing environment and attach it to each node point located along our mesh.
With these tips and techniques you’ll be able to use your imagination and modeling tools to create unique and complex forms in Revit.

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