[Rhino] 犀牛5高级技术训练视频教程 Infiniteskills Rhino 5 Advanced Techniques Training... |
![]() 本教程是由Infiniteskills机构出品的犀牛5高级技术训练视频教程,Infiniteskills Rhino 5 Advanced Techniques Training Video,时长:12小时15分,大小:1.84 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Rhino 5,共16个章节,作者:Rob McCulloch,官方发布日期:2012年9月2日,语言:英语。 Rhino是是美国Robert McNeel & Assoc.开发的PC上强大的专业3D造型软件,它可以广泛地应用于三维动画制作、工业制造、科学研究以及机械设计等领域。它能轻易整合3DS MAX 与Softimage的模型功能部分,对要求精细、弹性与复杂的3D NURBS模型,有点石成金的效能。能输出obj、DXF、IGES、STL、3dm等不同格式,并适用于几乎所有3D软件,尤其对增加整个3D工作团队的模型生产力有明显效果,故使用3D MAX、AutoCAD、MAYA、Softimage、Houdini、Lightwave等3D设计人员不可不学习使用。 Infiniteskills Rhino 5 Advanced Techniques Training Video A Practical Rhino Training Course That Teaches Real World Skills In this project-based Rhino 5 Advanced Techniques video tutorial series, you’ll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Rhino 5 Advanced Techniques training videos delivered to your desktop The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex Rhino 5 Advanced Techniques subjects because they’re broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2604471594&uk=1578861117 |