[Blender] [Blender] The Beast- Modeling in Blender 在Blender製造一個野人 詳細教學4.2G |
本教程是由Max Puliero所製作分享,影片共分四個階段
1雕塑體型模型 時長:1小時46分 2建模和拓樸 時長:2小時33分3細節雕塑 時長:1小時59分 4材質貼圖 時長:2小時10分 -The Beast- Dyntopo, Retopo and Sculpt in Blender 1-4 -The Beast- Modeling in Blender 2-4 -The Beast- Detailed Sculpt in Blender & Zbrush 3-4 -The Beast- Texturing in Blender and Photoshop 4-4 影片為720X1280 英語 目前無字幕,但很詳盡,有使用經驗應能理解。 壓縮檔案為4.2G 作者備註 使用Blender2.69 ,製作時間花了幾個月的分散時間。 也用了Zbrush在細節雕塑上,和PS. FAQ: *This work needed few months in spare time. *I used Blender 2.69. *I also used Zbrush for detailed sculpt because I have a better response with high resolution meshes *I used Photoshop CS6 because I have a license and because is the only software that has good adjustment layers. 初次發帖, 酌收10CG幣。 請大家多指教。 |