[Blender] Blender金鱼灯光渲染训练视频教程 Blender Cookie Rendering a Goldfish in a Bubb... |
![]() 本视频教程是由CGCookie机构出品的Blender金鱼灯光渲染训练视频教程,Blender Cookie Rendering a Goldfish in a Bubble with Cycles,大小:260 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Blender,,作者:Joshua Maule,语言:英语。 Blender是一个开源的多平台轻量级全能三维动画制作软件,提供从建模,动画,材质,渲染,到音频处理,视频剪辑的一系列动画短片人人素材制作解决方案。blender以python为内建脚本,支持yafaray渲染器,同时还内建游戏引擎。动画工具,包括了反向动作组件,可设定骨骼,结构变形,关键影格,时间线,非线性视频编辑,顶点量重及柔化动量组件,包括网孔碰撞侦察和一个具有侦察碰察的粒子系统,固体碰撞、布料、液体、力场解算。 Blender Cookie Rendering a Goldfish in a Bubble with Cycles Learn how to render a goldfish in a bubble with Blender’s Cycles Rendering Engine In this Citizen tutorial we’re going to look at some of the techniques that went into the rendering of this Goldfish image. The main focus of the tutorial is how to set up the materials and lighting. We will also be doing some modeling, texture painting, using various methods to mix material shaders with the node editor, and finally setting up an HDR image to create some very realistic reflections. This is a great chance to learn more advanced tricks for getting what you want with Cycles. Including how to make use of the Ray Visibility options to control what is visible to the camera and in reflections, and other techniques. Check out the images below to see the original image, the final result of the tutorial. You will also find a free fish scales texture Josh created that is free to use in your own Blender scenes. 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6uPwqY 或者 [url=Blender金鱼灯光渲染训练视频教程.rar (280.81 MB)]Blender金鱼灯光渲染训练视频教程.rar (280.81 MB)[/url] |