[其它] Backburner高效网格渲染训练视频教程

查看802 | 回复2 | 2018-4-22 15:53:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Backburner是autodesk产品(max,flame,flint,inforno等)的网络渲染软件,Discreet combustion 提供了创造性的工具、速度和交互性,这一切都是行业所企盼、设计师所渴望的。

Lynda Entertainment Creation Suite Getting Started with Backburner
Meet Backburner a network-rendering manager for Autodesk programs such as Maya 3ds Max and Toxik. This course introduces you to the basic concepts behind network rendering a more efficient method of rendering that spreads the workload to servers one frame at a time. George Maestri will show you how to set your Backburner manager and servers configure proper network paths and send jobs to Backburner from Maya.

下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3C5Aex

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