[其它] Grasshopper建筑设计可视化编程视频教程 |
![]() 本教程关于Grasshopper建筑设计可视化编程视频教程,时长:2小时28分,大小:430 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Rhino,Grasshopper,作者:Walter Zesk,共60个章节,语言:英语。 Grasshopper(简称GH)是一款在Rhino环境下运行的采用程序算法生成模型的插件,是目前设计类专业参数化设计方向的入门软件。与传统建模工具相比,GH的最大的特点是可以向计算机下达更加高级复杂的逻辑建模指令,使计算机根据拟定的算法自动生成模型结果。通过编写建模逻辑算法,机械性的重复操作可被计算机的循环运算取代;同时设计师可以向设计模型植入更加丰富的生成逻辑。无论在建模速度还是在水平上照传统工作模式相比,都有较大幅度的提升。目前GH已成为国内参数化设计创新领域的领军软件,NCF参数化建筑联盟作为推广此软件的先驱网络,也是目前最大、最深入的GH交流平台,目前仍然在做公益性的技术普及宣传。 Grasshopper is a powerful visual programming plugin for Rhino, but the most effective design patterns within Grasshopper remain inaccessible to a majority of architectural designers. This course attempts to correct that gap. Watch and learn how to use Grasshopper scripts to create a variety of prototypes that can test concepts, predict costs, and help in the architectural proposal process. Instructor Walter Zesk shows how to use existing scripts, adapt and repair scripts, and design new scripts from scratch, focusing on a modular, component-based designs that can accept a variety of inputs. The course closes with some best practices for running prototypes, collecting data, and sharing your prototypes with colleagues. Topics include: Useful prototype examples Modifying an existing prototype Adding modularity with clusters Planning outputs and inputs Planning data flow Finding and wiring components Using and sharing your prototype |