[Fusion 360] Fusion360初学者功能概述视频教程

查看1241 | 回复5 | 2017-11-3 14:06:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本教程是关于Fusion360初学者功能概述视频教程,时长:1小时44分,大小:440 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Fusion 360,作者:Taylor Hokanson,共32个章节,语言:英语。

Fusion 360是美国autodesk公司推出的一款三维可视化建模软件。对CAD设计爱好者来说,它是一款免费软件。该软件是autodesk在工业设计和机械设计领域很多相关技术的试验田,很多成熟的技术都被运用到其他autodesk的商业软件中了。该软件中比较流行的技术包括直接建模技术,T样条建模技术,基于联结的装配技术,自顶向下的参数化建模技术,云端数据管理等。

更多相关内容请关注:Fusion 360视频教程专区,中文字幕视频教程专区

Lynda Learning Autodesk Fusion 360
Autodesk Fusion 360 is a complex piece of software for modeling both onscreen assets (3D renders and animation) and offscreen physically manufactured elements. It provides parametric tools that allow a designer to edit components as specs change—without starting over from scratch. What’s more, projects can be shared among a group of designers using 360’s cloud-based design management system. This course is an overview of the interface and the modeling, sculpting, and rendering workflows in Fusion 360. Taylor Hokanson shows how to import reference images, use the sketching tools, extrude 3D shapes, combine components into assemblies, and render animations that show your designs in action. Plus, learn how to sculpt organic shapes by editing T-Spline forms. This course has everything you need to use Fusion 360 to translate your ideas into elegant CAD drawings and fabrication-ready designs.

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01work | 2019-2-28 11:00:33 | 显示全部楼层
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