[Modo] Modo 701全面核心技术视频教程 |
![]() 本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Modo 701全面核心技术视频教程,Digital-Tutors Introduction to Modeling in MODO 701,时长:3小时54分,大小:1.8 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:modo 701,作者:Justin Marshall,官方发布日期:2013年10月,共33个章节,语言:英语。 Luxology公司的Modo是CG行业,设计和建筑可视化世界的新工具之一,已迅速赢得了广泛的用户群。Modo是一个非常强大的多边形和人人素材细分建模工具,有一个伟大的纹理绘画和雕刻模块,对象的动画工具和出色的渲染,有一个非常直观和友好界的用户界面。 Digital-Tutors机构是号称全球最大的CG付费教程网站,2000多万次视频播放记录,顶级客户的优秀项目实例,被誉为教学和娱乐结合的最好的教程,RenderMan创建人称之为“完美的学习站点”,成立至今已经有12年之久,内容集中在视频制作和游戏制作两大板块,其网站完整的教学的理念,先进的技术支持(他们甚至开启了移动手机看教程的计划,支持IPAD/IPHONE/ANDROID),都让人耳目一新。尤其是多层级的教学难度设置,有趣的考试内容,时不时的竞赛,让DT成为非常活跃的一个CG机构。 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Modeling in MODO 701 In this MODO tutorial we’ll use a project-based approach as we cover the basics of modeling, look at commonly used tools, and talk about some time-saving tips and techniques in MODO. We’ll begin by looking at polygon and subdivision geometry and how MODO works with that geometry. We’ll take a look at a variety of modeling tools you can use in your daily work. We’ll split edges with Loop Slice and Add Loop. We’ll learn to Bevel and Extrude. And we’ll learn to use Action Centers and Falloffs to change how our tools affect the geometry. We’ll also talk about subdivision surfaces and how they can be used to create very smooth models with edges that have been hardened through edge weighting or actual geometry. We won’t be covering all of MODO’s many modeling tools, but rather focus on the tools that you’re going to find most useful as you begin the modeling process. Once you have a better understanding of how these tools work together, you’ll be able to create your own modeling solutions and really come up with a workflow that’s comfortable to you. With that, let’s get started by taking a look at polygons. 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1uxgKh |