[Softimage] 动画短片导演训练大师班视频教程 FXPHD ANI102 Writing Directing and Animating a...

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本视频教程是由FXPHD机构出品的动画短片导演训练大师班视频教程,FXPHD ANI102 Writing Directing and Animating a Short Film,时长:6小时,大小:4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Softimage,共10章节,语言:英语。

SOFTIMAGE XSI是AUTO DESK面向高端三维影视市场的旗舰产品,以其独一无二真正的非线性动画编辑为众多从事三维电脑艺术人员所喜爱。XSI将电脑的三维动画虚拟能力推向了极致。是最佳的动画工具,除了新的非线性动画功能之外,比之前更容易设定Keyframe的传统动画。是制作电影,广告,3D,建筑表现等方面的强力工具。


FXPHD ANI102 Writing Directing and Animating a Short Film
course syllabus
Class 1: Story – This class discusses how to come up with ideas, choosing the best one, and the writing process. We also thumbnail some story ideas to start bringing the project into the visual space.
Class 2: Previs – In this class we create some rough temp models, figure out the camera angles, and get the story working in 3D. We also start to model Larch, our cranky old tree character.
Class 3: Asset creation – This session focuses primarily on rigging Larch and our boy character. We also build a basic environment to round out the frame.
Class 4: Blocking 1 – With our assets built and characters rigged, we now start blocking in the animation. We also decide on the final layout, lock down the camera, and add some temp SFX.
Class 5: Blocking 2 – The second half of the film focuses on what happens when the boy enters frame, and paying off the dilemma we have set up. This really expands our exploration of poses, as we now have two characters interacting with each other.
Class 6: Animation Act 1 – Here we refine the animation for the first act of the film. We also talk about animating a character who is basically just a head, as well as de-mystifying the black art of facial art.
Class 7: Animation Act 2a – Act 2 is more physical, allowing us to address animation principles like timing, overlap, squash and stretch… This class also gives some personality to the balloon.
Class 8: Animation Act 2b – The boy enters the scene, allowing us to apply our animation principles to a full-on biped character.
Class 9: Animation Act 3 -The action comes to a head as Larch finally rids himself of the pesky human. But just when you thought it was over… TWIST! Here we talk about timing, and some nuances that can really help land the big joke.
Class 10: Wrap-up – This final class allows time to tie up any loose ends, address outstanding questions, and put some final polish on our animation. There is also a fun end tag that will really take the story to the next level.

[url=动画短片导演训练大师班视频教程.part1.rar (4 GB)]动画短片导演训练大师班视频教程.part1.rar (4 GB)[/url]
[url=动画短片导演训练大师班视频教程.part2.rar (222.86 MB)]动画短片导演训练大师班视频教程.part2.rar (222.86 MB)[/url]
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