[Rhino] RhinoLIVE实时渲染软件V2.7.0版 Random Control RhinoLIVE v2.7.0 For Rhino 5 SR9...

查看1107 | 回复2 | 2017-4-12 19:27:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本软件是由RandomControl出品的RhinoLIVE实时渲染软件V2.7.0版,Random Control RhinoLIVE v2.7.0 For Rhino 5 SR9 And Above Win64,大小:40 MB,支持Win64位系统,支持Rhino 5 SR9版软件,语言:英语。

Random Control RhinoLIVE v2.7.0 For Rhino 5 SR9 And Above Win64
The power of Arion inside Rhinoceros 3D
RHINO LIVE is a fully integrated version of Arion right into McNeel’s Rhinoceros 3D 5.0. All the power of physically-based, unbiased and GPU accelerated rendering at your fingertips from your native Rhinoceros 3D environment.
RHINO LIVE tears down the obstacles that were common to previous unbiased renderers in terms of workflow. It brings the opportunity to work naturally and comfortably inside Rhinoceros 3D, and get the most cutting-edge quality and performance without changing your workflow a single bit.
RHINO LIVE is really fast and takes advantages of all the compatible hardware inside your computer.

[url=RhinoLIVE实时渲染软件V2.7.0版.rar (50.46 MB)]RhinoLIVE实时渲染软件V2.7.0版.rar (50.46 MB)[/url]
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sununiy | 2019-2-21 22:14:23 | 显示全部楼层
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i387DX | 2020-4-6 14:29:36 | 显示全部楼层
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