[Maya] Ninja Dojo Grandmaster超级综合工具集Maya插件V5.9版

查看1123 | 回复5 | 2017-4-11 19:24:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本插件是由bk3d机构出品的Ninja Dojo Grandmaster超级综合工具集Maya插件V5.9版,Ninja Dojo Grandmaster 5.9 For Maya 201x Win Mac Linux,大小:150 MB,支持Maya201x版软件,支持Win、Mac与Linux系统,语言:英语。

Ninja Dojo Grandmaster 5.9 For Maya 201x Win Mac Linux
Grandmaster Includes:
Ninja Mesh
Ninja UV
Ninja Fracture
Ninja Light
Ninja Rename
Ninja Asset
Ninja City

5.9 updates
Ninja Mesh
1. Fixed an issue in Load Tube Settings in the Create Tube section
2. Added Select NGons in the Select menu
3. Added Select Open Edges in the Select menu
4. Added Fix Overlapping Edges in the Tools menu
5. Added Slice Along XY,Slice Along XZ, Slice Along YZ
6. Added Coffer function.

Ninja UV
1. Added UV sets in the custom UV window. This will change the display of the selected UV set on your mesh
2. Added Delete UV and Copy UV in the custom uv window.
3. Fixed an issue with Cut Edges/Seams while adding to a list
4. Fixed a UI issue with Cut Edges/Seams
5. Added Xnormal Baking in the Bake Tab
6. Fixed UV scaling when using inches, feet, and yards
7. Fixed a UV scaling issue when scaling multiple uv’s

[url=Ninja Dojo Grandmaster超级综合工具集Maya插件V5.9版.rar (161.93 MB)]Ninja Dojo Grandmaster超级综合工具集Maya插件V5.9版.rar (161.93 MB)[/url]

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eleven11 | 2019-7-19 16:36:33 | 显示全部楼层
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HLG | 2019-8-29 17:10:24 | 显示全部楼层
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longsky | 2019-9-22 16:11:59 | 显示全部楼层
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2639983895 | 2020-1-8 00:21:06 | 显示全部楼层
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gaojing1234 | 2020-8-19 13:55:52 | 显示全部楼层
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