[3dsmax] RayFire破碎爆炸3dsmax插件V1.68版 RayFire 1.68 for 3ds Max 2014-2017 Win

查看1042 | 回复5 | 2017-4-11 15:47:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本插件是由rayfirestudios机构出品的RayFire破碎爆炸3dsmax插件V1.68版,大小:30 MB,支持3dsmax2014-2017版软件,支持Win64位系统, 语言:英语。

RayFire Tool是一个3dmax插件,能够制作很多特效,如物体碎裂、毁灭、拆毁大型建筑、毁坏、分解、大破坏、炸毁、爆破、爆炸、引爆等以及其他相似方面的特效工作,而这些你一直梦想都在Max中去实现…Rayfire主要应用于电影特效制作,如《2012》《变形金刚3》 等。

RayFire中加入了多种场景毁灭特效的支持,其1.58版本更是增加了对Bullet物理引擎的支持。开发商Mir Vadim以测试版形式发布了3ds Max的RayFire场景毁灭特效工具包的更新,这就是RayFire 1.58版,该版本支持创建多种特效毁灭特效,可对Bullet物理引擎提供支持。


RayFire 1.68 for 3ds Max 2014-2017 Win
NVidia PhysX Rigid Body support via RayFire user interface.
NVidia PhysX Force Influence Allows You to affect on objects in simulation by forces, space warps and mouse cursor. Glue allows you to glue objects together and break connections between objects during simulation. Several types of simulated objects: Dynamic, Static, Kinematik, Sleeping and Dead.
Entropy Bullet Rigid Body support via RayFire user interface. (Beta)
Interactive Demolition System. Creates dynamic simulation and demolishes objects accordingly to their material and collision strength. Each fragment can be demolished further with proper amount of collision strength.
Voronoi modifier. Interactive realtime Voronoi shatter modifier.
Bricks modifier. Allows to quickly fragment geometry to Bricks or Stones.
Cache object. Allows to cache geometry and animation in single file to store it outside of scene.
Trace object. Image tracing to fragments.
Fragmenter modifier. Interactive realtime Voronoi shatter modifier.
Clusters modifier. Groups simple fragments into more complex clusters.
Bomb helper. Allows You to create all kinds of explosions.
Fragmentation types. Irregular, Uniform, Voronoi, Wood splinters, Radial, Bricks fragmentation types. Ability to draw cuts over your objects by mouse.
Asperity modifier. Adds detalization to simple geometry and makes them much more realistic.
Slice modifier. Advanced Slice modifier with all features You may need.
Cracks modifier. Animated 3D Cracks inside refractive object.
Voxels modifier. Creates voxels using geometry volume.
Fragmentation by Shapes. Allows to use Shapes as stensil to fragment objects.
Automatic update system.
Install info:
1- Install application
2- Copy and replace the “RayFireTool.mse” file to your “..Autodeskds Max 2016pluginsRayFireTool” folder.

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bo0Kr0b 密码:gyiy
[url=RayFire破碎爆炸3dsmax插件V1.68版.rar (31.42 MB)]RayFire破碎爆炸3dsmax插件V1.68版.rar (31.42 MB)[/url]

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