[调色软件] Davinci达芬奇影视调色软件V12.5.1 Mac版 DAVINCI RESOLVE STUDIO 12.5.1 WITH EAS...

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本软件是由blackmagicdesign机构出品的Davinci达芬奇影视调色软件V12.5.1 Mac版,大小:200 MB,支持Mac系统,语言:英语。

达芬奇调色系统DaVinci Resolve高性能现场、精编和调色解决方案可运行于Mac OS X、Windows和Linux平台。DaVinci Resolve有比其他系统更好的实时调色性能。其整体性能由高性能GPU集群提供,不受制于运行软件的主机,因此所有处理总是实时的,即使是在调色处理中进行了许多一级调色、二级调色、Power Windows™、多点跟踪、模糊等操作,仍然能确保实时调色。DaVinci Resolve也是一款高性价比解决方案,可通过添加更多GPU轻松升级,从而获得能处理4K和立体3D,以及为ARRI RAW、RED RAW和Sony RAW等数字摄影机原生文件进行实时调色的超级计算机性能。



新版DaVinci Resolve根据专业剪辑师的意见反馈,新增70多种剪辑功能。升级后,剪辑师们可使用两台显示器,并获得熟悉的专业工具,如JKL修整、音频交叉渐变以及自定义键盘快捷键以提高剪辑效率。DaVinci Resolve的修整工具采用上下文相关设计,可根据鼠标位置自动判断剪辑师想要使用的是Ripple、Roll、Slip、Slide还是延长或者缩短剪辑功能。这样一来,剪辑师无需花时间切换剪辑工具,而且可对多个轨道上的片段同时进行同向或不对称修整,从而大大加快了剪辑速度。

DaVinci Resolve还首度将样条曲线关键帧编辑器和剪辑时间线进行了整合,让关键帧在每段素材下方对应的位置清楚显示,一目了然。剪辑师还可以直接在时间线上添加Open FX动画插件和转场插件。 DaVinci Resolve 11最新的协作式工作流程可以让一位剪辑师和多位调色师在各自的电脑前共享同一条时间线并协调合作完成调色。例如,在一位调色师进行调色或使用跟踪窗口功能的时候,其他调色师可进行精细调色,并可在剪辑师剪辑的同时即时更新。每位用户均可查看到时间线更新,以确保所有人使用的都是相同工作项目。共享时间线可使创意团队同步工作,提高了效率,尤其适用于影视节目制作等大型复杂的工作项目。

DaVinci Resolve另一大优势便是优化了和Apple Final Cut Pro X之间交互回批的过程。由于程序各项功能之间的兼容力增强,项目在程序之间的往返剪辑也将变得更加顺利。例如,用户在拍摄独立电影时就可以使用Final Cut Pro X剪辑,再使用大型好莱坞制作工具来完成调色和后期制作。这一新型工作流程使得独立电影制作人能顺利使用各大后期制作工具。

当然,DaVinci Resolve中的调色功能也进行了升级,包括新增RAW格式支持,并借鉴了平面摄影师熟悉的调色控制,以便他们快速上手影视摄影事业。新设的摄影机RAW设置面板中有亮部和暗部恢复、中间调细节、色彩增强、饱和度、Lift、增益和对比度等设置。DaVinci Resolve 11解决了照片修片系统的单帧限制,并为摄影师提供了先进的RAW画面控制,让他们能最大限度实时展现超宽动态范围的精彩细节。

此外,DaVinci Resolve也增添了不少强大的现场工具,可备份文件,保存数字摄影机文件,提供了安全保障。而它最新的Clone(克隆工具)可以将媒体硬盘、存储卡以及摄影机中的文件复制到多个目标设备上。所有复制文件都经过验证,因此可以确保是原文件位到位的精确数字拷贝。DaVinci Resolve Lite版中也将新增这一克隆工具,您可免费下载并安装到笔记本电脑上,以便现场使用。


DaVinci Resolve还配备独特而强大的自动色板颜色平衡工具,适用于各类素材片段,包括视频、RAW甚至电影。最新的Color Match色彩比配功能可分析含有标准色板的镜头并自动提供基础调色,就算在不同照明条件下拍摄出具备不同曝光值和色温的镜头也可出色完成色彩平衡!

DaVinci Resolve还添加了OpenCL图像处理优化,可提高新Apple MacPro系统的渲染速度。MacPro配备两个GPU,用户可直接购买这一理想解决方案,它可以最高位深YRGB 32位浮点的质量高速处理Ultra HD视频。

“DaVinci Resolve是一次激动人心的大规模升级。”Blackmagic Design首席执行官Grant Petty说,“自从我们为DaVinci Resolve增添新的剪辑工具以后,我们就收到了来自四面八方从事高端影视制作的剪辑师的宝贵意见和反馈。我们根据这些宝贵意见对DaVinci Resolve进行了改良和优化,如今它已发展成为成熟而强大的精编剪辑工具了。当然,我们还会一如既往在这一版本上继续增添更多精彩的调色工具和现场工具。这是DaVinci Resolve到目前为止最好的一个版本,此次更新将面向所有DaVinci Resolve用户免费开放。也就是说,您无需支付任何费用便可升级到世界顶尖的精编剪辑工具了!”


DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Studio combines professional video editing with the world’s most advanced color corrector and
incredible new effects so now you can edit, color correct, add effects and deliver projects from start to finish, all in one
single software tool! This massive new update features 1,000 enhancements and 250 new features that make editing
faster and color better than ever before!
DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Studio is the same version of the software used by professional Hollywood editors and colorists on
virtually all major feature films, episodic television programs and commercials! You get ultra wide dynamic range 32-bit
float YRGB image processing and GPU acceleration for producing beautiful images that no other system can match.
Faster Editing
With a huge number of new editing features, DaVinci Resolve 12.5 now has virtually every editing and trimming tool
imaginable! You get context sensitive trimming, an intuitive edit overlay for quickly assembling edits and more. In addition
to its professional editing features, you also get unique tools that you won’t find in any other software such as the new
ripple overwrite and a revolutionary new audio waveform overlay that makes finding and editing to audio cues incredibly
Better Color
DaVinci Resolve features an incredibly rich set of primary and secondary color correction tools, along with new HDR tools
and ResolveFX. Unlike other editors, which force you to do color correction on an editing timeline, DaVinci Resolve 12.5
Studio has a dedicated interface designed for high end color work that goes far beyond any other editing system. Best of
all you can switch back and forth between editing and color correction at any time with a single click!
New Effects
DaVinci Resolve 12.5 introduces ResolveFX, an amazing collection of high performance GPU accelerated plug-ins such as
blurs, light rays, mosaics and more! You also get more transitions, on-screen title editing, improved keyframe animation
and curve editing in the timeline, new speed ramp effects and Fusion Connect, which lets you link and send shots to
Fusion for visual effects!
Additional Features in DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Studio
DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Studio has the same features as the free version, but also gives you additional creative tools such as
temporal and spatial noise reduction, optical quality motion and blur effects, lens distortion correction, de-interlacing, lens
flares, lens blur and film grain. You also get the latest HDR (high dynamic range) grading and stereoscopic 3D tools,
remote rendering, higher resolution output and an amazing set of collaborative workflow tools that let multiple people
work on the same project at the same time!

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[url=[url=Davinci达芬奇影视调色软件V12.5.1 Mac版.rar (205.14 MB)]Davinci达芬奇影视调色软件V12.5.1 Mac版.rar (205.14 MB)[/url]]Davinci达芬奇影视调色软件V12.5.1 Mac版.rar (205.14 MB)[/url]

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