[三维软件] AutoCAD LT专业绘图软件V2018版 AUTODESK AUTOCAD LT 2018 WIN64

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本视频教程是由Autodesk机构出品的AutoCAD LT专业绘图软件V2018版,大小:1.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

AutoCAD LT是AutoCAD的轻量版,通俗地也可以说是简化版本,没有AutoCAD功能全,但是也够用了,可以提高效率,减少资源占用,运行速度非常快。和AutoCAD相比,AutoCAD LT不具备三方面的功能:AutoCAD的三维概念设计功能;AutoCAD中的参数化绘图工具等高级文档编制功能;不支持扩展或定制。除此之外,AutoCAD LT具备其它AutoCAD的所有功能,并且与AutoCAD完全兼容。能够精确、高效地创建、编制和共享工程图。操作上: AutoCAD LT是轻量版AutoCAD,所以会使用AutoCAD的人都可以马上上手使用AutoCAD LT,不需要专门学习培训。适用人群:AutoCAD LT作为AutoCAD的轻量版,根据其功能也锁定了相应的人群,适合专业绘图人员、工程师、不需要进行定制的成长型公司,代理大型机械产品,售前工程师及业务员需要跟客户交流产品及修改图纸的人员比较适合用这个软件,还有建筑作业中的施工部分也非常适合……
Simplified 2D drafting and documentation – AutoCAD LT® 2D CAD software helps you create 2D drawings faster and with more precision. Available for Windows and Mac. Includes the AutoCAD mobile app.
Comprehensive 2D documentation
Produce 2D documentation and drawings with a comprehensive set of drawing, editing, and annotation tools.
Intuitive user interface
Access tools when you need them—contextual ribbon tabs, multifunctional grips, customizable tool palettes, and an intelligent command line.
Innovative technologies
Get the latest technologies including TrustedDWG™, high-resolution monitor support, migration tools, and the Autodesk desktop app.
Connected collaboration
Share and use data from PDF and DGN files, Bing Maps, and AutoCAD mobile app.
What’s New:
PDF import enhancements
Use the SHX text recognition tool to quickly convert imported PDF geometry to text and Mtext objects.
External file references
Save time and minimize frustration with simple tools to fix broken paths for externally referenced files.
Object selection
Freely navigate around your drawing while selecting objects that stay in the selection set, even if you pan or zoom off screen.
Text to Mtext enhancements
With the Combine Text tool, convert combinations of text and Mtext objects to a single Mtext object.
Quick Summary of AutoCAD 2018:
– Xrefs now default to relative path attachment and there are a few associated tweaks including find/replace path
– You can select objects off-screen (handier than it sounds)
– You can select objects with linetypes even when selecting the gaps
– File dialogs remember settings
– A couple more dialogs can be resized
– There are a couple more tiny user interface tweaks
– The stuff from 2017.1 is included, of course
– iDrop support is gone

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pKZdUUR 密码: pi2a
[url=[url=AutoCAD LT专业绘图软件V2018版.rar (1.6 GB)]AutoCAD LT专业绘图软件V2018版.rar (1.6 GB)[/url]]AutoCAD LT专业绘图软件V2018版.rar (1.6 GB)[/url]

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