[三维软件] 3dsMax三维动画软件V2017版 AUTODESK 3DS MAX 2017 WIN64 |
![]() 本软件是由Autodesk公司出品的3dsMax三维动画软件V2017版,AUTODESK 3DS MAX 2017 WIN64,大小:9.2 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语, 3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是2013。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如:《X战警II》,《最后的武士》等。 ![]() 3dsmax中文版是目前autodesk官方针对中国用户而开发的一款三维设计制图软件,全称为autodesk 3ds max,软件提供了到目前为止功能最强、最丰富的工具集,无论美工人员所在的行业有什么需求,都能为他们提供所需的三维工具来创建富有灵感的体验。3dsmax新版本拥有许多种新功能,允许用户创建自定义工具,并轻松共享其工作,从而方便团队间进行协作。它还使新用户可以更迅速、更有信心地投入工作。新的基于节点的编程系统使用户可以扩展3ds Max的功能,并与其他用户共享新创建的工具。此外,外部参照革新简化了团队间和整个制作流程中的协作。使用Autodesk A360渲染支持和新的物理摄影机,3ds Max用户可以更加轻松地创建真实照片级图像。新支持的OpenSubdiv 和双四元数蒙皮功能可以帮助美工人员提高建模效率,新摄影机序列器使美工人员和设计人员可以更方便地指挥控制故事演示。新的设计工作区提供了基于任务的工作流程,这些工作流程使软件的主功能更易于访问,而且新模板系统为用户提供了基准线设置,因此使项目能够快速开始并更成功地进行渲染。以上新功能将带设计者更加丰富的创意设计,是目前工作中最优秀3d设计软件。 ![]() AUTODESK 3DS MAX 2017 WIN64 Increase productivity by creating custom tools, and sharing entertainment and design projects, with greater speed. New features in 3ds Max® animation and modelling software help you to: Extend 3ds Max® with new geometric objects and modifiers by creating graphs in a visual environment similar to the Slate material editor. Max Creation Graph, a new node-based tool creation environment, lets you create new node types by saving graphs called compounds, or choose from several hundred different node types (operators) that can be connected together to create new tools and visual effects. New tools can be packaged and shared with other users. Collaborate easier across teams and throughout the production pipeline with new support for non-destructive animation workflows in XRef, and improved stability. Externally reference objects to your scene, and animate them or edit material on the XRef object in the source file, without having to merge the objects into the scene. Changes made in the source file will be inherited in your local scene. Publish and organise animatable parameters on your desired node, making it easier for other users to externally reference content to populate their scenes. Represent subdivision surfaces in 3ds Max using the OpenSubdiv libraries open-sourced by Pixar.Experience faster in-viewport performance for meshes with high subdivision levels with libraries that incorporate technology from Microsoft Research, and are designed to help take advantage of both parallel CPU and GPU architectures. Create complex topology with more consistent appearances in less time using the crease modelling workflows in CreaseSet modifier and Crease Explorer. Using FBX® asset exchange technology, they allow for easier transfer of models to and from certain other packages that support OpenSubdiv. Experience improved speed and quality while you edit or pose models with OpenSubdiv features, including support for adaptive subdivision in the viewports, and at render time. Access object placement, lighting, rendering, modelling and texturing tools more easily with new Design Workspace features that follow a task-based logical system to improve workflow. Create high-quality stills and animation more easily with new, faster design data importing capabilities. Accelerate the scene creation process with new on-demand templates that provide standardised start-up configurations. Easily import, export, and share templates across teams, and create or modify existing ones to tailor them to your workflow. Experience greater creative flexibility and control with the new Camera Sequencer, which allows you tocut between multiple cameras, trim, and re-order animated clips non-destructively—leaving the original animation data unchanged. Reduce undesirable deformation artifacts more easily using Dual Quaternion Skinning. This new method of smooth skinning is built specifically to avoid “bow tie” or “candy wrapper” effects, most common in a character’s shoulders or wrists, where the mesh loses volume when deformers are twisted or pivoted. Create more precise textures using the new Dual Quaternion skin modifier, which lets you paint the amount of influence skinning will have on a surface, so you can use it where you need it, and taper off to linear skin weighting where you don’t. Help reduce rendering time and costs by rendering projects online in the cloud. Autodesk® A360 Rendering Support helps you create impressive high-resolution images without having to tie up the desktop, or requiring specialised rendering hardware. Available to customers on Maintenance and Desktop Subscription, A360 also helps you create and share solar study renderings, interactive panoramas, illuminance simulations, and re-render images from previously uploaded files. Simulate real-life camera settings, such as Shutter Speed, Aperture, Depth of Field, and Exposureusing the new Physical Camera co-developed with Chaos Group, the makers of V-Ray, creating more photo-realistic images and animations more easily with enhanced controls and additional in-viewport feedback. 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gf33zN1 密码:wu0w 或者 3dsMax三维动画软件V2017版.part1.rar (4 GB) 3dsMax三维动画软件V2017版.part2.rar (4 GB) 3dsMax三维动画软件V2017版.part3.rar (1.72 GB) |