流体动力学模拟插件破解版 SitniSati FumeFX 4.0.4 For 3DS MAX 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017
FumeFX is a fluid dynamics engine designed for simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosion and other gaseous phenomena. It’s versatility, robustness and intuitive workflow makes it a perfect solution for the most demanding tasks in the computer graphics industry. The core engine allows user to interfere with simulation computation at the lowest level. It is available for 3ds max
- 安装对应版本的 FumeFX
- 到C:Program Files (x86)AFLICS,找到AfterFLICS_tools.exe,运行,然后选择Service/Stop(服务/暂停)
- 拷贝替换破解文件夹中的AfterFLICS.exe到 C:Program Files (x86)AFLICS,覆盖原来的
- 用记事本打开AfterFLICS.ini,确保你们有以下信息:
everyone - 再次运行AfterFLICS_tools.exe,选择Service/Start(服务/开始),退出AfterFLICS_tools.exe
- 打开max,Create/Geometry/FumeFX,然后会有AfterFLICS的认证弹窗出来,选择 localhost,然后点击Authorize
- 在认证窗口,选择Manual Auth,随意输入许可数量和序列号,选择Authorize
- 为了确保破解顺利,到General Parameters/About FumeFX查看一下
- 选择Reauthorize FumeFX SL,AfterFLICS认证窗口会弹出来,选择 localhost,然后点击Authorize。在认证窗口,选择Manual Auth,随意输入许可数量和序列号,选择Authorize
- 选择Reauthorize FumeFX-mr shader,AfterFLICS认证窗口会弹出来,选择 localhost,然后点击Authorize。在认证窗口,选择Manual Auth,随意输入许可数量和序列号,选择Authorize
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7FT19K 密码:bp1k