[三维软件] Autodesk InfraWorks软件V2022版

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本软件是关于Autodesk InfraWorks软件V2022版,大小:4.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
infraworks是由Autodesk公司推出的一款功能强大的民用基础设施概念设计软件,能够帮助设计师和工程师利用云功能在真实环境中开展基础设施项目工作。使用InfraWorks,用户可以在项目环境中更轻松地评估和传达设计意图,可以从各种来源汇总数据,并在项目生命周期的较早阶段做出设计决策,是专业人员工作必不可少。autodesk infraworks进行了全方面的完善和改进,比如改善了InfraWorks与Civil 3D之间的数据交换,因此用户可以在模型中使用Civil 3D中的完整道路几何图形,添加了高DPI缩放支持,并且默认情况下在所有InfraWorks模型中启用了它,以及为走廊组件道路启用了其他"分级"选项,新选项是:"无地面交互作用"或"扩展分级",还重新设置了所有工具栏图标的样式,以支持较高的DPI缩放比例和有趣的颜色等等,使AEC专业人员能够在已构建和自然环境的真实环境中对设计概念进行建模,分析和可视化,从而改善决策和项目成果。


InfraWorks, formerly known as InfraWorks 360, is a product of Autodesk for designing and modeling urban infrastructure. With this program it is possible for engineers to build 3D models of roads, highways, commuter routes, maritime canals, urban train infrastructures, subways, etc. And finally, the models can be output to work on their details. Other specialized CAD software has been ported, for example, AutoCAD software can be used to work on 2D map details of these infrastructures, or powerful 3ds max software can be used to build animated simulations. In this model building software, you first open the Model Builder tool, and you design the desired environment using vector and raster data as well as data extracted from other similar sources.

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