[三维软件] Autodesk VRED Professional软件V2022版

查看804 | 回复1 | 2021-5-7 13:53:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本软件是关于Autodesk VRED Professional软件V2022版,大小:1.9 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Autodesk VRED Professional是一款用于汽车设计的3D可视化和虚拟样机软件,该软件能够帮助设计人员和工程师使用交互式光线追踪和分析渲染模式创建产品演示,设计评论和虚拟原型,在VRED场景中可视化HTML 5内容能够与之交互,且以3D形式沉浸式验证用户HMI设计,内置几何编辑器、分析渲染模块、UV展示器模块、资源管理器、裁剪模块等,可以帮助设计师快速的设计出各种不同的图纸,非常实用。

与vred design不同的是,vred Professional主要是创建高端可视化和虚拟原型,且最新版本进行了新增和多方面的改进,比如能够将场景和查看器打包为一个可执行文件,且可使用AES-256加密,安全性非常高,还将脚本编辑器功能添加到“变量集”模块的“脚本”选项卡和“脚本”首选项中,提供了GPU光线跟踪 ,可以轻松地在CPU和GPU光线跟踪之间切换,在“注释”模块和“灯光编辑器”中为各种功能添加了基于对象的Python界面等。


Autodesk Vred Products is one of the most popular and most widely used software in the design, specialized engineering company Autodesk is widely used in the visualization of 3D, modeling and detailed design of the product. This application is especially manufacturers of transport such as cars, motorcycles, helicopters and more.
The ability to combine the models with models with software such as 3Ds max, MAYA and built-in software that can model the software design ready for you in this app combine your samples. Engineers and designers can use this special software for prototyping and three-dimensional visualization products, especially their use. The software update feature that can be media editor, optimize and improve the script, promoting, improve FileIO and so on.

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