[AE] 《透视手绘绘画基础视频教程》The Gnomon Workshop Fundamentals of Perspective w... |
本视频教程是由Gnomon机构出品的透视手绘绘画基础视频教程,The Gnomon Workshop Fundamentals of Perspective with Gary Meyer,时长:8小时37分,大小:19.6 GB,MOV高清视频格式,作者:Gary Meyer,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。 扎实的掌握透视知识能够让艺术家将作品制作的不但准确,并且让它使人信服。本系列教学不但会让艺术家理解透视的概念,并且在实际的插画绘制中应用它们。本卷教学是本套透视教学的第一部:一点透视原理。本教学主要集中于讲解透视的原理,术语还有比率的概念。Gary会通过好些例子为大家讲解如何设置插画的透视效果,还有如何通过正确的透视效果将对象从一个比率转换为另外一个比率。本卷教学是本套透视教学的第二部:两点透视原理。本教学中Gary讨论了在两点透视图中测量比率的方法,他还介绍了根据图纸绘画的方法。Gary还为大家介绍了如何在透视图中绘制椭圆形与坡度表面。最后他还讨论了如何处理辅助绘画用的灭点,视锥,然后综合它们与两点透视来正确的绘制透视效果。本卷教学是本套透视教学的第三部:三点透视原理。本教学中Gary讨论了很多主题,包括了如何使用自然与人造的光源来绘制阴影,本教学结束的时候会讨论如何在一点透视与两点透视中绘制反射效果,还有如何在反射中转换比率。 GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同!Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐。 The Gnomon Workshop Fundamentals of Perspective with Gary Meyer The series includes an introduction to one-point, two-point and three-point perspective along with examples of projecting from plans, transferring scale, drawing inclined surfaces, plotting ellipses, shadows and reflections in perspective. In Fundamentals of Perspective 1: One-Point Principles and Concepts, the viewer is first introduced to the tools and definitions used in one-point perspective. One-Point perspective is demonstrated through a series of exercises indicating the relationship of the viewer with the picture plane and the object that is to be constructed. In Fundamentals of Perspective 2: Two-Point Principles and Concepts a series of two-point examples include measuring point perspective, projecting from plans and elevations and repeating rectangles in foreshortened perspective are covered in detail. Gary also provides examples of how to correctly draw ellipses in perspective. Inclined planes are also demonstrated using auxiliary vanishing points and vertical vanishing lines. In Fundamentals of Perspective 3: Three-Point Principles and Concepts initially cover the primary concepts used in three-point perspective and then move on to discussing measuring points to construct an architectural object. Gary then demonstrates the concepts of plotting shadows from natural and artificial light sources in perspective before moving to the final lesson where he demonstrates how to plot reflections while transferring scale in perspective. This series provides a solid foundation for any artist looking to strengthen their comprehension of the principles and concepts of drawing in one, two and three-point perspective. 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=123396&uk=1143985790 |