[AE] 《TopoGun中拓扑工具使用教程》Digital-Tutors Topology Tools in TopoGun 2.0 |
![]() 本TopoGun教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的TopoGun中拓扑工具使用教程,时长:54分,大小:1.17 GB,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:TopoGun 2.0,作者:Justin Marshall,官方发布日期:2012年9月1日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。 TopoGun是一款独立的重建面,烘焙贴图的软件。他的重建人人素材多边形功能可以帮助你重新创建你3D模型的拓扑线,贴图烘焙功能还可以将高模上的信息烘焙成各种贴图,并应用于你重新创建的多边形上。 ![]() Digital-Tutors Topology Tools in TopoGun 2.0 In this course we will talk about some of the topology tools in TopoGun 2.0 and how they can enhance your workflow. We’ll begin by looking at several different ways to very quickly create new topology along cylindrical surfaces like arms or other appendages. We’ll look at modifications to the Draw Tool as well as the new Tubes Tool. We’ll also explore the Extrude Tool and how it can be used to quickly extend existing topology along the surface of our reference meshes. The Brush Tool is a great tool for moving new topology around along the reference surface, or for redistributing points to create a cleaner layout. We’ll talk about the many different ways the Brush Tool can be used. We’ll also cover the new symmetry features, how they apply to our tools, and how we can customize the symmetry planes for slightly asymmetrical shapes. Finally, we’ll talk about using the Morpher to modify existing topology to fit changes to the reference meshes. In the renrencg.cn end you’ll have a better idea of the features available in TopoGun 2.0 and how those features can benefit you as you retopologize your own models. TopoGun 2.0 is in beta, so there may still be some issues, but it has been out for some time and the efficiency increase from some of these tools makes it a great option. ![]() http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=24149&uk=3408890495 或者 《TopoGun中拓扑工具使用教程》renrensucai.com.part1.rar 《TopoGun中拓扑工具使用教程》renrensucai.com.part2.rar 《TopoGun中拓扑工具使用教程》renrensucai.com.part3.rar 《TopoGun中拓扑工具使用教程》renrensucai.com.part4.rar |