异星文明探险概念设计数字绘画大师班视频教程 |
本教程是异星文明探险概念设计数字绘画大师班视频教程,时长:4小时12分,大小:2.5 GB,MP4高清格式,使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Pablo Carpio,共4个章节,语言:英文。 数字绘画用计算机的手段和技巧进行创作,不同于一般的纸上绘画。首先要有好的创意和构思。创作电脑绘画要有积极向上的创意,来表现我们的丰富多彩的生活,如我们身边的事物、事件、活动,我们的向往和想象等。在表现手法上要努力捕捉最感人、最美的镜头,充分发挥大胆的想象,尽量让画面充实、感人、鲜艳。其次,电脑绘画要通过不同的软件进行制作。最常用的软件有Photoshop、Painter、sai等等。电脑绘画的种类与用途很多,如动画、漫画、插图、广告制作、网页制作、服装设计、建筑效果图、各种示意图、演示图等等。电脑绘画最大的优点是颜色处理真实、细腻、可控,其次是修改、变形变色方便,再次是复制方便,放大缩小方便。制作速度快捷,保存耐久及运输方便,画面效果奇特。 更多相关内容请关注:绘画插画视频教程专区,原画专区,中文字幕教程专区 For this masterclass, the Randomizer has prepared for Leon a corresponding challenge — to reinvent and draw what the Mayan civilization could look like. Watch Leon go beyond traditional 2D tools such as Photoshop. Using VR, 3D software and a graphics engine to create objects and model scenes, Leon will teach you about displacement maps, octane scatter, volume modeling, motion graphics and textures so you can learn how to build your own scene. Leon specializes in environmental design, architecture, and sci-fi. Among his latest clients are Netflix, Axis Animation, Wizards of the Coast, and Paizo Publishing. Leon has also worked with Maxon company, known for Cinema 4D, as well as writers and music labels. Our speaker is a winner of many art contests across several websites, including Artstation where he won the environmental design challenge, “Ancient Civilizations: Lost & Found.” |