[摄影] 静物光效摄影技巧高级训练视频教程 CreativeLive How to Paint with Light with Be...

查看883 | 回复2 | 2017-3-27 13:53:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本视频教程是由CreativeLive机构出品的静物光效摄影技巧高级训练视频教程,CreativeLive How to Paint with Light with Ben Willmore,时长:1小时24分,大小:1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Ben Willmore,语言:英语。

CreativeLive How to Paint with Light with Ben Willmore
Discover the unique art of light painting, and add a new dimension of light painting into your photography. Experienced light painter Ben Willmore will introduce you to the basics of light painting in this fun and informative class. You’ll learn which tools and settings to use to get your desired effect and how different light sources can be used to produce dramatically different looks.
Learn how to combine an interesting subject, inexpensive gear, and a little light painting knowledge to produce dramatic and interesting results.下载地址:
[url=静物光效摄影技巧高级训练视频教程.part1.rar (900 MB)]静物光效摄影技巧高级训练视频教程.part1.rar (900 MB)[/url]
[url=静物光效摄影技巧高级训练视频教程.part2.rar (185.63 MB)]静物光效摄影技巧高级训练视频教程.part2.rar (185.63 MB)[/url]

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