[PS动作] 水墨艺术风格绘画人像艺术图像处理特效PS动作

查看673 | 回复1 | 2020-11-5 20:32:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本合辑是关于水墨艺术风格绘画人像艺术图像处理特效PS动作,大小:15 MB,格式:ABR,PAT,ATN,ZXP 建议使用最新版本PS软件打开。

Adobe Photoshop,简称“PS”,是由Adobe Systems开发和发行的图像处理软件,主要处理以像素所构成的数字图像。使用其众多的编修与绘图工具,可以有效地进行图片编辑工作。ps有很多功能,在图像、图形、文字、视频、出版等各方面都有涉及。

Adobe Lightroom是一款以后期制作为重点的图形工具,Adobe的目标是将其打造成未来数字图形处理的标准,Lightroom的界面和功能与苹果推出的 Aperture颇为相似,主要面向数码摄影、图形设计等专业人士和高端用户,支持各种RAW图像,主要用于数码相片的浏览、编辑、整理、打印等.
221751iblotfwnwozywpo0.jpg 221751fd5zgn5m43gm66g1.jpg 221752dqcmyafcntlsn0fl.jpg 221752r8v9nf8rki9yy883.jpg 221752j5y3pu1ulg4k4lq4.jpg 221752r0esb2vgqeaceebe.jpg 221752l0cic0fbh57csit8.jpg

Ink Art Photoshop Action 2
Be artist without any experience (just one click make your photos art style). Awesome performance greet looking just one click.
No skill need any body can usage easily help file include
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About Ink Art Photoshop Action
Our new Photoshop Action Script has been given a lot of features with great looks and new looks that you have never seen in any other marketplace before. It will not match the script in any previously published action because we have created each of the materials ourselves just to create this effect so it is completely different from the others and works very well in high resolution images and we have some more tips. We have given you a video tutorial so that you will not feel any pain or trouble. If you have not used Photoshop Action or have no idea about Photoshop, you can use this product by watching our video. We’ve made a fast version of it before and it’s got a lot of popularity. It’s version two. Here we bring some more dynamic people.
Ink Art Photoshop Action Information
- Photoshop Atn. (Action file) Format include.
- Photoshop Abr. (Brush file) Format include.
- Photoshop Pat. (Pattern file) Format include.
- Help file include.
- Working Software Version : CC2015.5 English Version.
- Software support version : CS5, CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020+ Version.
- Photos : Photo are not include.
May every body know that Picture is very important issue because without a proper picture you can make accurate view so please provide a quality picture for better look which you expect.
Having Troubles with the Action?
01. Sent Profile massage
02. Sent me social massage
If you read a problem for support, he will be able to maneuver the problem and give him a screen preview and of course you will give us the link to the product, Because we have so many products with the same name, we can’t find out, We try to help you as fast as we can, but sometimes we can’t replay at the right time because we have holiday, In that case you have to wait a bit, And yes the product should stay away from the bat rating, Because the product’s bat rating will not solve the product, With our support you will be resolved, There are usually no problems with the product, to follow how to use the rules, If there was a problem with the product, they would not come to the market for sale, If the rating of the product is good, the inspection of our work increases So try to give a good rating, Thank you very much for purchasing our product, We love our customer.

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