
查看920 | 回复6 | 2020-11-4 21:25:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本教程是关于iPad中使用Procreate创建混合媒体背景插图实例视频教程,时长:1小时15分,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,使用软件:Procreate,附源文件,作者:Alma De la Melena Cox,共9个章节,语言:英语。

Procreate 是一款安装在 iPad 上的功能强大、界面直观的数字绘图应用程序。它设有许多深受艺术家喜爱的功能,其中包括 120 种简单易用的画笔、高级图层混合、64 位性能以及功能强大的画笔引擎。由于 Procreate 专为 iPad 设计,所以它充分利用了 iPad 的所有优势。 创意人士非常喜欢 Procreate,因为它设计直观、速度流畅、原片处理能力强大,因此艺术家们可以随时随地创作出色的数字作品。
021236m741v1atnr31111o.jpg 021237mntwojocewofjeef.jpg 021237m5qqb0c3g5fbrpgp.jpg 021240aw48twuu23cxt2uz.jpg 021240r3nttiwyizwnnlos.jpg 021243id76eedhneeheeid.jpg 021245sygbytmyyyf8m6sa.jpg 021246jfank88z5gifhkrn.jpg 021249gzxxoommy00rdd5u.jpg 021251o9zm9qpoem00wjrp.jpg 021251p1sofqscq3p80nhp.jpg 021252rpgmppjinnjxx0id.jpg 021253r8c38mc86v5cmvcc.jpg

See Class Project for optional supplies to create your own mixed-media backgrounds
Bring your digital illustrations to life with mixed-media in Procreate! In this class you’ll learn how to:
Create affordable mixed-media backgrounds to apply to your digital projects
Combine mixed-media art with a landscape photo and an illustration (Project 1)
Apply filters (blend modes) to mixed-media art and an illustration (Project 2)
Create a travel-inspired illustration by layering mixed-media art and a photo (Project 3)
Use two photos with a mixed-media background (Bonus video)
See mixed-media art in new ways for your digital creations (Inspiration video)
IMPORTANT: If you don’t want to or are unable to create your own mixed-media backgrounds, I am also making the original images of the backgrounds and photos I made and used for the Projects and Bonus videos available to you. To access, click here and use password: MixedMediaBackgrounds I am trusting that you will only download if you take my class undefined. Thank you.
My intention with this class is to help you connect with your creativity even more. The processes I share develop trust in your own preferences and creativity. I believe joy is one of our spirit’s highest aspirations and making art is truly one of life’s greatest gifts. Enjoy!
Here are the main Projects (left to right): Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, Bonus

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