[达芬奇] 《SpeedTree三维植物环境绘景视频教程》FXPHD PNT205 3D Plants and Digital Envir...

查看3375 | 回复9 | 2017-3-26 10:36:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本教程是由FXPHD机构出品的SpeedTree三维植物环境绘景视频教程,FXPHD PNT205 3D Plants and Digital Environments,时长:5小时54分,大小:3.94 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:speedtree 6,maya,共10个章节,作者:eran dinur,官方发布日期:2013年1月,语言:英语。人人素材网整理发布。

SpeedTree因为它的实时几何体建模技术而在游戏行业闻名,并且因为树叶的制作而成为了电影与电视行业的主要工具。虽然这个程序对电影与广播行业来说还是个新的品牌,但这个工具在游戏行业已经是反复使用了,从而能够制作出各种丰富成熟的功能。SpeedTree被认为是电影阿凡达中不可或缺的一个工具。工业光魔采用SpeedTree Cinema软件来制作电影《阿凡达》中潘朵拉星球上的树木场景。SpeedTree Studio有许多SpeedTree Cinema中的功能,包括用程序或是手绘来制作树木的选项,还有模拟风的效果的选项;但是缺少浮动许可证,世界的构建,直接研发支持和64-bit版本。


FXPHD PNT205 3D Plants and Digital Environments
Highly detailed animated 3D trees and plants can make a huge visual impact in digital environments and matte paintings, as seen in movies such as Avatar. Yet the complexity of trees and many plant species makes them notoriously difficult to recreate, and requires a move from traditional modeling techniques to unique procedural methods.

Taught by Emmy and VES award winning VFX supervisor Eran Dinur, this course explores the process of creating and integrating 3D plants, from modeling and texturing to lighting and compositing.

Working with SpeedTree (available on the VPN), the industry’s leading plant creation application, we will progress from the basic concepts of plant design and node-based modeling to advanced procedural techniques. On the way we’ll cover such topics as leaf meshes and fronds, forces, real-time brush sculpting, texturing, managing poly counts and LOD’s, animated wind effects and physical plant-mesh interactions.

After establishing a solid modeling and animation foundation, we will move on to look at the bigger picture. By using Maya, Vue and Nuke together with SpeedTree, we will create a full shot that will enable us to incorporate a variety of our own created trees and plants in a coherent, realistic digital environment. We will explore lighting, shading, compositing and matte painting techniques to avoid the pitfalls of “the CG look” and achieve photo-real look and integration.

In addition to all this, we will also take a sneak peak at e-on’s brand new (and much awaited) Plant Factory, and explore its most notable features and its integration with Vue.


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