Maya未来科幻机械角色照明灯光场景照明技术教程Digital Tutors – Lighting a Scene for Feature Film with V-Ray in Maya 2014
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在这个Maya 教程中我们将探讨使用玛雅V-Ray渲染器和NUKE未来科幻机械角色故事片照明技术。
In this Maya tutorial we’ll explore feature film lighting techniques using V-Ray in Maya and NUKE.
Throughout these lessons we’ll look at the steps required to setup advanced film lighting. We’ll start by using an image-based lighting setup and four point light setup. Along the way we’
ll use Alembic to export our geometry and camera then we’ll create precomps/lighting comps using NUKE.
By the end of this Maya training you’ll have a solid understanding of the workflows that are required to light a scene in feature film.