[三维软件] Blacksmith3D Standard三维雕刻软件V6.3.1.0版 BLACKSMITH3D STANDARD + P...

查看690 | 回复0 | 2017-8-25 18:00:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本软件是由renderosity公司出品的Blacksmith3D Standard三维雕刻软件V6.3.1.0版,大小:380 MB,支持Win版,语言:英语。


Blacksmith3D is a 3D painting and sculpting program that is easy-to-use and creates high-quality 3D art. 3D artists who are using popular modeling, animation and rendering software find it simple to integrate into their pipeline. 2D artists who are looking to experiment with 3D software find Blacksmith3D intuitive since it has a standard 2D paint application look and feel.
High-resolution texture painting. System RAM and CPU power are the only limiting factors. In other words, it does not depend on your 3D video card capabilities.
Stacked Image Layers – just like your favorite 2D paint application! Create any number of layers, change the blending modes and strengths for ultimate texture compositions.
Chisel Deformers – sculpt your models on the fly using Blacksmith3D’s powerful new chisel deformers. Just like paint brushes, you can apply swift strokes in the viewport to bulge, smooth, flatten, sharpen and contour details that you never thought were possible.
Real-time displacement/bump map painting and rendering. Paint directly on the displacement and/or bump maps and see the result in real time.
Auto-UV Mapping – use the Paint Setup Wizard to auto-UV just about any object file with a single click.
Presets – Store tools, viewports and brush tiling as presets for rapid reuse during projects.
Custom Hotkeys – simply right click on most interface elements to bind them to a hotkey on-the-fly.

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEObtwH 密码:g53q


[url=[url=Blacksmith3D Standard三维雕刻软件V6.3.1.0版.rar (382.72 MB)]Blacksmith3D Standard三维雕刻软件V6.3.1.0版.rar (382.72 MB)[/url]]Blacksmith3D Standard三维雕刻软件V6.3.1.0版.rar (382.72 MB)[/url]

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