[Zbrush] ZBrush树人怪物制作视频教程 |
![]() 本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的ZBrush树人怪物制作视频教程,Digital-Tutors Creating a Detailed Forest Creature in ZBrush 4R6,时长:10小时12分,大小:7.45 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:ZBrush 4R6, After Effects CS5,作者:Brad Groatman,共50个章节,语言:英语。 Zbrush是传统和创新工具的完美组合,让您创造复杂、高品质的图形,快速有效地表达自我,这些功能曾经在《指环王3:国王归来》这部影片的数字建模方面被广泛运用(主要是魔兽)。它能给於您即时反应,即时绘制您的图像,它也非常适合於情节串联图板和概念化设计,功能足於将您的作品打造完美。直观、易於使用和功能强大,Zbrush将激发您创造多面的、震撼人心的图像,不管您是个新手,还是位专业人士。Zbrush独特的2D和3D功能的组合将产生动人的效果,不需要您经过痛苦的漫长学习。 ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。ZBrush软件是世界上第一个让艺术家感到无约束自由创作的3D设计工具!它的出现完全颠覆了过去传统三维设计工具的工作模式,解放了艺术家们的双手和思维,告别过去那种依靠鼠标和参数来笨拙创作的模式,完全尊重设计师的创作灵感和传统工作习惯。 Digital-Tutors机构是号称全球最大的CG付费教程网站,2000多万次视频播放记录,顶级客户的优秀项目实例,被誉为教学和娱乐结合的最好的教程,RenderMan创建人称之为“完美的学习站点”,成立至今已经有12年之久,内容集中在视频制作和游戏制作两大板块,其网站完整的教学的理念,先进的技术支持(他们甚至开启了移动手机看教程的计划,支持IPAD/IPHONE/ANDROID),都让人耳目一新。尤其是多层级的教学难度设置,有趣的考试内容,时不时的竞赛,让DT成为非常活跃的一个CG机构。 Digital-Tutors Creating a Detailed Forest Creature in ZBrush 4R6 In this ZBrush tutorial we will learn a number of different sculpting techniques in order to create a creature made of a variety of materials and substances. The idea here is to create a creature with a focus on using a variety of sculpting tools in ZBrush. We will create our own MultiMesh tools for efficiently sculpting elements such as vines, ivy and thorny branches, utilize the curve function to increase use textures – specifically, the luminance of textures – in conjunction with morph targets as a means of gaining finer controls over the creation of subtools. We will look at nestling FiberMesh within FiberMesh in order to create various forms of vegetation, and we will also utilize ZSketching in order to create the complex structural makeup of this creature, which is comprised of many different kinds of materials, from moss and grasses to tree bark and rocks. Texturing will combine the use of Spotlight and Polypainting, and we will go through the process of gathering the necessary reference for each. We will go through the process of establishing effective render settings, as well as creating a final composite in After Effects to give the sculpt a fitting final presentation. By the end of this training, you will have developed a good familiarity with the variety of tools with which you can create diverse characters in ZBrush. 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fw13g |