[AE] AE插件Layer Groups v1.0 图层分组脚本

查看547 | 回复0 | 2017-6-19 09:06:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本插件是AE插件Layer Groups v1.0 图层分组脚本,大小:848 KB,支持AE软件,支持Win/Mac系统,语言:英语。

Visually expand and collapse groups in the timeline.
Hide and show, respecting child layer visibility
Delete group and/or contents.
Duplicate entire groups (with stacking and relative parenting intact!)
Easily add/subtract from groups.
Optional parenting using Shift key.
Rename groups
Stacking button (+auto Stacking) – keep layer stacked properly, each to their groups and layers not in groups – out of groups.
Groups are color coded (turn off in settings.)

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSuz02m 密码: tgk7


[url=[url=AE插件Layer Groups v1.0 图层分组脚本.rar (884.67 KB)]AE插件Layer Groups v1.0 图层分组脚本.rar (884.67 KB)[/url]]AE插件Layer Groups v1.0 图层分组脚本.rar (884.67 KB)[/url]

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