[PS动作] 220组惊人效果人像调色PS动作 Creativemarket 220 Actions Bundle 9 IN 1 227027

查看493 | 回复1 | 2017-5-1 16:24:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本PS模板是由GraphicRiver机构出品的220组惊人效果人像调色PS动作,Creativemarket 220 Actions Bundle 9 IN 1 227027,大小:5 MB,格式:ATN,包含220组惊人效果人像调色PS动作文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Creativemarket 220 Actions Bundle 9 IN 1 227027
220 Photoshop Actions Bundle, An Amazing Bundle With More & More Effects Professional Photoshop Actions Perfect For Photographers and Graphic Designers.
Photoshop Actions | This action set has been developed for photographers and graphic designers. Everything is very straight forward. I have tried to make the item as very easy to use.
Instructions 1. Open Photoshop. 2. On the “Window” tab, click “Actions”, once the window has opened you will see an arrow pointing right in the top right hand corner, click this then click “Load Actions”. 3. In the end you just have to choose your action and click the play button. 4. You are done!
9 Atn. File Arranged (all layers are automatically arranged in a Group Folder) Make changes (most of the actions has been created using “Adjustments layers” which gives you the chance to change the values in your own way) Help File
This actions will work in photoshop all latest version like CS3,CS4,CS5,CS5.5,CS6,CC&CC 2014**
How to change photoshop language

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