[转场过渡] DJ视频转场特效视频音效素材合辑Vol.5

查看999 | 回复3 | 2017-4-21 07:55:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本合辑是digitaljuice机构出品的DJ视频转场特效视频素材合辑Vol.5,Digital Juice Animated Wipes & Transitions Collection 5 Changing Paths,共104个转存特效视频,104个转存声效,分辨率:1920x1080, 720x576,华丽而不失实用,绚丽而不失精致,是视频设计师不可多得的实用素材,官方发布日期:2013年7月2日。

Digital Juice Animated Wipes & Transitions Collection 5 Changing Paths
You now have the perfect opportunity to change paths smoothly and effectively in all your productions with the all new Animated Wipes & Transitions Collection 5: Changing Paths. You can keep your productions sophisticated yet relevant while moving between scenes with transitions that look both polished and edgy. These wipes are perfect for situations where you need a little more than a simple cut or dissolve in a video production and they are ideal for spicing up scene transitions and adding that sought-after “WOW” factor for your clients. Designed to draw a viewer’s attention to your edit points, animated wipes can then skilfully shift their focus to a different idea. Smooth, stylish transitions are made possible when you use the cool custom wipes in this collection to combine flash with class!

Each animated wipe comes with matching sound effects, making it easy to add energy to your logos and IDs through both sight and sound. These wipes make it simple to create smooth dynamic transitions between graphic slates and segments, and provide an ideal way to cover jump cuts in interviews and testimonials – or to flag changes in location, topic or subject. These 104 network quality wipes can be used in anything from show opens and promo videos to network logo spots and corporate presentations – giving them an energetic kick and adding unique style to your productions.



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