[其它] 《Fireworks CS6基础训练教程》Linda.com Fireworks CS6 Essential Training |
![]() 本教程是由Lynda机构出品的Fireworks CS6基础训练教程,MOV视频格式,附工程源文件,语言:英语。 Adobe® Fireworks® CS6 软件能让您在弹指间创作精美的网站和移动应用程序设计,而无需进行编码。发布适用于热门的平板电脑和智能手机的矢量和点阵图、模型、3D 图形和交互式内容。在 Adobe® Fireworks® CS6 软件中利用 jQuery 支持制作移动主题,从设计组件中添加 CSS Sprite 图像。为网页、智能手机和平板电脑应用程序提取简洁的 CSS3 代码。利用适用于 Mac OS 的增强的重绘性能和适用于 Windows® 的内存管理,大大提高工作效率。利用增强型色板快速更改颜色。 Linda.com Fireworks CS6 Essential Training Join Ray Villalobos in this course, Fireworks CS6 Essential Training, as he shows how to create custom web graphics and web site mockups with Adobe Fireworks CS6. The initial chapters explain the basics: how to get around in the interface and create and organize documents. The course proceeds to cover all the essential drawing features in Fireworks, from drawing simple lines and shapes to applying fills, strokes, and opacity values to objects. The course also rr-sc.com covers how to move, scale, and otherwise transform text and images as well as create symbols, use sprites, and integrate CSS and jQuery Mobile. http://115.com/file/c2loho3q# 《Fireworks-CS6基础训练教程》rr-sc.com人人素材.part1.rar http://115.com/file/c2loh4cb# 《Fireworks-CS6基础训练教程》rr-sc.com人人素材.part2.rar |