![]() 本视频教程是由PLURALSIGHT机构出品的创意动画设计 - 静止与运动,时长:55分,大小:500 MB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Freddie Ost,Magnus Berg,Erik Kockum,共19个章节,语言:英语。 本系列教程以电视节目的形式展示,充满智慧和幽默的格调,所有的主题都丰富多彩。我们首先在Ms. Foil的带领下了解SNASK如何操作,让投资银行的商标新鲜、有趣,在忠实于母品牌Nordea Markets的情况下依然具有吸引力。Ms. Foil也会与我们分享制作优于其他竞争者作品的包装设计,如何准备与摄影师合作的秘密,以及她为客户设计完美字体的诀窍。然后,Stop Motion Dragon会为我们展示我们制作停止和启动运动的装备,在Dragonframe软件中引导我们进行整个制作。在课程的最后,我们在Robot Steve的引导下进行实践。 PluralSight软件开发在线教育平台是美国的一家面向软件开发者的在线教育课程服务商,Pluralsight成立于2004年;专注在线下开班式的服务,直到2008年才转向在线教育。目前Pluralsight在全球100个国家服务超过20万个用户,提供超过400个在线课程。除了个人用户外,Pluralsight还提供为企业的培训服务。Pluralsight提供的课程类型包括:C#、jQuery、iOS与Android、Java、 Ruby以及包括设计、社会化媒体、NoSQL、商业智能和Salesforce等。在收费方面,Pluralsight会收取用户每月29美元,以获取其大量关于教程的视频、文章、以及其他资料等。此外,还有一项每月49美元的服务,即可以通过线下课程接受培训。 PLURALSIGHT DESIGN & STOP MOTION WITH SNASK This course, Design & Stop Motion with SNASK, is a series by the irreverent creative agency, SNASK. The series has been transformed into a TV-show where they mix wisdom and humor, all dressed in colorful themes. You’ll start with Ms. Foil showing how SNASK worked to make an investment banker’s brand appear fresh, fun, and appealing while staying true to the mother brand of Nordea Markets. Ms. Foil will also share with you the secrets of creating a package design that stands out among competitors, how to prepare for and work with a photographer, as well as her tips and tricks on creating the perfect typeface for your client. Then, the Stop Motion Dragon will show you the equipment you’ll need to create a stop motion and how to set it up, and it will guide you through the entire creation process in Dragonframe. By the end of your stop motion journey, you’ll be able to see the best practices put into action with Robot Steve. Make sure you have your learning glasses on–it’s a lot to take in! 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHUVgIa 密码:vy80 或者 http://renrensucai.ctfile.com/fs/F3P152403039 或者 [url=[url=创意动画设计 - 静止与运动.rar (505.88 MB)]创意动画设计 - 静止与运动.rar (505.88 MB)[/url]]创意动画设计 - 静止与运动.rar (505.88 MB)[/url] |