[Pixelmator] Pixelmator摄影后期处理技术视频教程 SkillShare Photo Editing Basics Make Good ...

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本教程是由SkillShare机构出品的Pixelmator摄影后期处理技术视频教程,SkillShare Photo Editing Basics Make Good Images Great Without Expensive Software,时长:2小时12分,大小:1.9 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Pixelmator,作者:Tyler Brown,共23个章节,语言:英语。

Pixelmator是类似于 Photoshop 的图形处理软件。干净整洁的界面易于操作,支持常见的 PSD、TIFF、JPEG、PNG、PDF、EPS 等图形文件格式,以及足可与 Photoshop 匹配的选取、渐变、笔刷、填充、裁切,甚至魔术棒工具等功能,和 50 多种专业的滤镜,以及系统预设的调色板以及字体资源。同时,Photo Browser 还可以让用户直接从 iPhoto 导入相片。

Pixelmator 界面清爽,布局灵活,熟悉 Photoshop 的人可迅速上手。软件建立在一些开源和 Mac OS X 图形技术之上,可调用 Mac 图形加速。使用起来在界面交互和流畅感上均优于 Photoshop,且与 Mac 自带程序整合不错。

SkillShare Photo Editing Basics Make Good Images Great Without Expensive Software
This class will teach you how to use basic, professional editing techniques with free/affordable software (I’ll cover Photoshop but it isn’t required) to turn your amateur snapshot into a professional image.
Over 2 hours of video content and over 20 additional resources included!
What a lot of people don’t know is that you can make professional images without Photoshop or other expensive editing tools. Whether you are new to digital photography or you are experienced but would like to enhance your ability to edit, this is the class for you. From theory to practice, you will come away from this class with two of your photos that will go from good to great.
[url=Pixelmator摄影后期处理技术视频教程.rar (2.07 GB)]Pixelmator摄影后期处理技术视频教程.rar (2.07 GB)[/url]

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