[精品合集] DJ最强AE模板合辑Vol.18》Digital Juice Ready2Go Collection 18 for After Effects

查看683 | 回复1 | 2017-4-13 23:49:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Digital Juice Ready2Go Collection 18 for After Effects
Ready2Go 18 for AE Push the limits of professional style with powerful project templates that suit a variety of uses. 10 coordinated template sets containing over 90 compelling new AE projects. Collection 18 contains an all-new series of multipurpose projects that can be easily put to work as-is or adapted for your latest production. Stimulate your creative juices with the wide range of edgy and polished looks in this series and put your inspired ideas to work with a ready-to-use set of well-designed template segments - in everything from wedding videos, business presentations and network show promos to broadcast TV commercials, sports highlights reels and training material.


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kakakaka4 | 2019-9-16 19:50:33 | 显示全部楼层
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