[渲染软件] 《高动态范围3D渲染软件V4.1版》HDR Light Studio v4.1 WIN64

查看827 | 回复2 | 2017-4-9 09:56:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本软件是关于高动态范围3D渲染软件V4.1版,HDR Light Studio v4.1 WIN64,大小:79 MB,格式:exe crack,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

HDR Light Studio是一款专业级高动态范围3D渲染软件,能够帮助3D艺术家快速设计、创建、调整HDRI高动态范围照明/反射图,包括摄影工作室光照效果。人人素材整理发布。

HDR Light Studio为3D计算机图形艺术家而生,帮助建立专业摄影样式的产品渲染效果,产品包装,以及媒介。根据用户的三维数据,产生高品质的专业级HDRI高动态范围图片,能够和传统的摄影完美匹配,适用于进行广告和市场推广使用。

HDR Light Studio作为HDRI制作软件,为CG场景创建HDR照明与反射贴图,提供了各种摄影灯具元素,可以轻松制作出优秀的产品布光环境,加快渲染速度!

使用HDR Light Studo带给你最大的好处是灯光的操作及放置更为方便,测试也更为快速,而在大型区域的的灯光投射上也更加平滑且快速,你可以自己创造一个灯光的系统来配合你方案上的需求。更值得一提的,是他可以创造一个根据实际灯光投影的影像,让他的光影反射可以更真实的呈现。


HDR Light Studio v4.1 WIN64
HDR Light Studio is an interactive tool for creating custom HDR environment maps for image based lighting of CG scenes. Work with a dynamic HDR canvas where Synthetic and Picture based light sources are positioned, scaled, colored all on fly on the HDRI. Accomplish all these lighting tasks in real-time directly on your 3D model. Instant lighting feedback - a totally interactive lighting tool.

Create a custom HDRI map for each shot as faster alternative to creating and moving lights or emitters in 3D to light your scenes
Create complex and precise lighting & reflections for reflective objects like products, jewelry and cars
Create professional studio lighting environments containing real studio light source captures
Load and control existing HDRI maps with local adjustments to exposure, color and saturation even adding additional lights. Re-light the HDR to emphasize the beauty of the subject, whilst maintaining the character and detail within the original HDRI
Create convincing lighting for CG objects placed into photographic backgrounds using color matching tools
Create a HDR environment as the foundation to your shot containing the majority of ambient lighting - as a result add far less CG light sources than ever before, only where you need them

Picture Lights for HDR Light Studio 4
HDR Light Studio is an interactive tool for creating custom HDR environment maps for image based lighting of CG scenes. Work with a dynamic HDR canvas where Synthetic and Picture based light sources are positioned, scaled, colored all on fly on the HDRI. Accomplish all these lighting tasks in real-time directly on your 3D model. Instant lighting feedback - a totally interactive lighting tool. Picture Lights add photographically captured studio lighting and other image based lighting and effects to HDR Light Studio, including: soft boxes, spot lights, real windows, and much more. Picture Lights are high resolution (4k) HDR images that include an alpha channel for their transparency - they are perfect for super realistic lighting and reflections and remain high quality even in very high resolution HDRI maps. Picture Lights can also be colorized!

Install Notes:
Use Installer HDR Light Studio v4.1 x64 to install.
Replace HDRLightStudio.exe in C:Program FilesLightmapHDR Light Studio v4.0 with patched version.
Place HDRLightStudioV4_License.key in folder C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalLightmapHdrLightStudioV4.
Block any connection attempts made by application in firewall.

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wangzhong | 2018-6-10 16:14:41 | 显示全部楼层
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wangzhong | 2018-6-10 16:21:14 | 显示全部楼层
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