[三维软件] ARCHITECT 3D室内设计软件2017 V19版 ARCHITECT 3D 2017 V19 INTERIOR DESIGN |
本软件是由Avanquest机构出品的ARCHITECT 3D室内设计软件2017 V19版,大小:1.7 GB,支持Win位系统,语言:英语。 Architect 3D Express在不到一分钟设计你的梦想的家 !是一个家居设计应用程序,允许您设计、 装备和装饰你的家和花园在 3D。设计创意项目一步一步,并逐个房间,从地下室到阁楼空间。制定计划,你的房子、 教导您的内部和外部领域并添加您自己个人触摸到你的生活空间。虚拟游览和极其逼真的 3D 渲染允许您查看结果。建筑师 3D 新视代 ™ 快递给你带来你需要设计你的家和花园的所有专业的工具。 ARCHITECT 3D 2017 V19 INTERIOR DESIGN Architect 3D Interior Decoration 2017 is the perfect tool to design your interior decoration projects. Arrange your room or apartment, try different arrangements of furniture and different color schemes, or planning a complete renovation of your kitchen or your bathroom. Use the QuickStart wizard to define by simple drag and drop layout of your parts. Furnish and personalise your home by choosing from thousands of items to drag and drop: furniture, flooring and wall coverings, countertops materials, carpets, borders and more. http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hrClom4 密码:ctz1 或者 http://renrensucai.ctfile.com/fs/liH162069453 或者 [url=[url=ARCHITECT 3D室内设计软件2017 V19版.rar (1.75 GB)]ARCHITECT 3D室内设计软件2017 V19版.rar (1.75 GB)[/url]]ARCHITECT 3D室内设计软件2017 V19版.rar (1.75 GB)[/url] |