[三维软件] Autodesk Alias Design工业三维设计软件V2017版 Autodesk Alias Design 2017 Win64

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本软件是由Autodesk机构出品的Autodesk Alias Design工业三维设计软件V2017版,大小:1.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Autodesk Alias Design是一款专门面向工业设计师的三维设计软件,可以帮助设计师控制创新产品设计的整个流程:即从最初的概念设计到最终可与工程人员分享的曲面造型。工业设计师能够在混合式二维到三维工作流程中快速地实现从高效可视化沟通到概念建模再到生产质量模型的转换。软件具有先进的蓝图绘制、建模和可视化工具,能够帮助用户创建、沟通和推动消费所需的创新设计,支持工业设计师和创意设计专家在从营销到工程设计的整个产品开发流程中与多个团队进行协作。

新版本的alias design展示了增强的产品建模、曲面造型技术和快速概念建模工具,能够有效地将二维草图和曲线转换为三维设计概念。具体新增特性包括:为将缝合在一起的曲面自动创建缝合和接缝;一次拾取便可选择完整的一系列曲面;软件互操作性工具可简化设计流程中使用的其他产品的操作,包括切割机、扫描仪、打印机、网罩和工程应用程序;当设计人员需要查看不同颜色组合时,将能够通过着色器切换来轻松地建立颜色组合,并轻松地在这些组合之间切换等等,新特性让设计人员能够更好设计出创意十足的全新工业产品。
Autodesk Alias Design 2017 Win64
Autodesk Alias Design is part of the Autodesk solution for digital prototyping. Alias Design is the design basis for industrial engineers who want to control the creative process of product from the initial sketch to the final model complex surfaces G2. Alias Design provides both industrial designers and engineers the ability to collaborate through product development, from engineering to marketing from his sketches, modeling and visualization tools.
Conceptual design sketch
Create sketches using drawing tools through a digitizing tablet and start the design process at an early stage using the same design tool. This option provides the engineer / artist the opportunity to unleash their imagination through sketches of possible projects or products, such as the option to set annotate design modifications.
Surface Analysis
Autodesk Alias Design enables checking continuity, curvature, draft angle … through a series of integrated analysis system, which guarantee that the generated surfaces meet surface specifications required and provide extreme quality parts designed .
Design Options
Autodesk Alias Design lets you manage the options that derive from our design in order to offer our design variations that can be translated into new products. This process is essential in presentations to the end customer and making design decisions opted to launch manufacturing.
Rendering and animation
Autodesk Alias Design includes the ability to perform renderings within the program itself, as well as performing animations. In addition, other programs such as Autodesk Showcase for the creation of catalogs and presentation design options in a virtual environment and allow import Autodesk Maya to create photorealistic images and complex animations.
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[url=[url=Autodesk Alias Design工业三维设计软件V2017版.rar (1.62 GB)]Autodesk Alias Design工业三维设计软件V2017版.rar (1.62 GB)[/url]]Autodesk Alias Design工业三维设计软件V2017版.rar (1.62 GB)[/url]

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