[三维软件] SketchUp三维设计软件2016V16.1.1450版 SKETCHUP PRO 2016 V16.1.1450 WIN32 V16.1... |
本软件是由sketchup出品的SketchUp三维设计软件2016V16.1.1450版,SKETCHUP PRO 2016 V16.1.1450 WIN32 V16.1.1449 WIN64,大小:90 MB,支持Win32与64位系统,语言:英语。 Sketchup是一套直接面向设计方案创作过程的设计工具,其创作过程不仅能够充分表达设计师的思想而且完全满足与客户即时交流的需要,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,是三维建筑设计方案创作的优秀工具。 SketchUp是一个极受欢迎并且易于使用的3D设计软件,官方网站将它比喻作电子设计中的“铅笔”。它的主要卖点就是使用简便,人人都可以快速上手。并且用户可以将使用SketchUp创建的3D模型直接输出至Google Earth里,非常的酷!@Last Software公司成立于2000年,规模较小,但却以SketchUp而闻名。 SKETCHUP PRO 2016 V16.1.1450 WIN32 V16.1.1449 WIN64 SketchUp 2016 is a 3D modeling program optimized for a broad range of applications such as architectural, civil, mechanical, film as well as video game design. SketchUp willl help you learn to create 3D models of houses, sheds, decks, home additions, woodworking projects – even space ships. You can add details, textures and glass to your models, design with dimensional accuracy, and place your finished models in Google Earth, share them with others by posting them to the 3D Warehouse, or print hard copies. Redecorate your living room. Invent a new piece of furniture. Model your city for Google Earth. There’s no limit to what you can create with SketchUp. You can build models from scratch, or you can download what you need. |