出品的Illustrator中绘制僵尸图案教程,时长:2小时8分,教程使用软件:Illustrator CS5 ,附工程源文件,作者:Christopher Fuller ,官方发布时间:2012年5月1日,语言:英语。
在本教学中,我们将学习创Illustrator中绘制僵尸图案教程 。对于很多艺术家来说,Illustrator是它们用来每日创建LOGO的工具。但是它的工具与矢量结果让它非常适合用于这些艺术绘画。
Adobe Illustrator是出版、多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画软件。无论是生产印刷出版线稿的设计者和专业插画家、生产多媒体图像的艺术家、还是互联网页或在线内容的制作者,都会发现Illustrator 不仅仅是一个艺术产品工具。该软件为您的线稿提供无与伦比的精度和控制,适合生产任何小型设计到大型的复杂项目。

Digital-Tutors Painting Skateboard Graphics in Illustrator
In this Illustrator tutorial we will focus on creating hand painted skateboard artwork that pays homage to vintage zombie comics. For many designers, Adobe Illustrator is a program they use daily for tasks such as building logos. While it’s tools and vector results make it perfect for these type of projects, as you might have guessed, it’s also a powerful painting program. In this course we will focus on painting our image, utilizing several of the tools inside Illustrator to make it feel less like a vector image. Along the way, we’ll learn about tools like the brush tool, blob brush and eraser tool and how we can use them to help us get to our end result. Throughout this course, we will focus on removing the software from the equation so we can focus on the art. After completing this course, you’ll be familiar with the tools, techniques and process used to create this comic book inspired zombie image.
