unity3d-Obi Cloth先进布料模拟器物理脚本
unity3d-Obi Cloth先进布料模拟器物理脚本
Obi Cloth Scripting/Physics
Virtual Method
Requires Unity 5.5.1 or higher.
Obi is an advanced cloth simulator for Unity that uses particle physics to deliver high-quality, flexible and easy to use cloth simulation.
It is available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, more platforms to come.
Important note: If you are using Obi 2.x, you'll have to recreate all your cloth assets when upgrading to 3.x
- Support for skinned meshes: unified solution for character clothing and regular cloth.
- Two-way rigid body interaction.
- Modular solver: don't waste performance, only use the constraints your cloth needs.
- Per module adjustable solver iteration count.
- Cloth proxies: drive high resolution meshes using low-res simulations. Works with skinned meshes too! - Softbody physics trough volume constraints.
- Independent stretch and bend constraints.
- Cloth is attachable to rigid bodies.
- Cloth can collide with itself and other cloth pieces.
- Physically based aerodynamics model.
- In-editor simulation preview.
- Easy-to-use integrated editor tools: selection, brush selection, paintbrush, smoothing, property loading from textures...don′t ever leave Unity when
authoring cloth.
- Simulation state can get serialized -> save your prefabs mid-simulation->instantiate them already warm-started.
- Supports all standard Unity colliders.
- Two-sided shader (based on the Standard shader) with correct lighting on backfaces.
- Automatic camera culling.
- Easily extensible and modular architecture.
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