本视频教程是由myshopify机构出品的PS科幻战车绘制视频教程,Ctrl+Paint Vehicle Design Start To Finish,时长:61分,大小:595 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,共9个章节,作者:Matt Kohr,语言:英语。人人素材网整理发布。

Ctrl+Paint Vehicle Design Start To Finish
In this series of tutorials we are not just going to create a sci-fi villain, but rather than repeat what was shown in my previous course, we will investigate a few other important aspects of character creation, expanding on what you learned previously.
If you’ve watched many Ctrl+Paint videos, you’ve seen the techniques – but how do they all fit together to make a painting? This series explores my personal vehicle design process, utilizing the foundation techniques described in previous (free and premium) videos.
Making a painting is a long process! I find that the road is easier traveled with a map, which I’ll describe as a ‘workflow’ in this series of videos. Following a pre-defined series of steps allows me to work confidently through my designs, regardless of the subject-matter. Though the series explores my personal process, I emphasize the importance of designing your own tailored workflow as your artistic skills develop. If you’re looking to bring shape to your painting process, hopefully this vehicle design process will help guide the way.
But remember: you’ll get the most out of this series if you already have a basic understanding of digital painting.