本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Substance Painter游戏动物皮毛制作视频教程,Digital-Tutors Creating Animal Fur for Games in Substance Painter,时长:2小时13分,大小:2.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Substance Painter, 作者:Joshua Kinney,共13个章节,语言:英语。
Substance Painter是最新的次时代游戏贴图绘制工具,具有一些非常新奇的功能,比如粒子笔刷,可以模拟自然粒子下落,粒子的轨迹形成纹理。
Digital-Tutors Creating Animal Fur for Games in Substance Painter
In this game design tutorial we’ll learn how to create believable fur for animals in games.
We’ll start off by discussing some key points to remember when sculpting and modeling your game animals, like whether or not we should sculpt the fur and what loops are most important to allow our animals to animate properly in game.
Then we’ll move on into texturing the main mesh of the dog. First, we’ll explode and bake out the normal and ambient occlusion maps. Then we’ll import our dog into Substance Painter and begin painting our base texture. During this process, we’ll discuss how to map out the flow of the fur, how to block out fur color, how to blend the colors to unify the fur and how to add subtle detail to make the textures pop.
Finally, we’ll wrap up the game design training by learning how to texture fur with alpha properties to break up the smooth silhouette of our dog.