正如环球制作公司轰动大片 Seuss 博士的 Grinch 怎样偷走圣诞节( How The Grinch stole Christmas )的合成总监,数码领域制作公司的 Bryan Gill 那样,它确保他和她的制作组配备了一整个NUKE一样性能丰富的工具,这些功能强大的工具足以应付工作中任何的挑战,这些工具中就包括NUKE视觉效果及合成系统。
据 Grill 表示 , 在 The Grinch 电影中 ,视觉效果总监 Kevin Mack, 视觉效果制作 Julian Levi ,CG 总监 Matthew Butler, 布景延展总监 Vernon Wilbert, 动画总监 Randall Rosa , 和一组约 70 个视觉效果设计师和 27 个合成技师 负责共 356 个镜头。这些镜头中, 80% 涉及到复杂的蓝屏合成,而其中大部分的工作包括为电影中的两个主要场地 Whoville 和 Crumpit 山制作布景延展。
“在整个工作中这是最富挑战性的任务之一:为这些场地制作布景延展,并把它们合成到各自的场景中,” Grill 说,最重要的是使它们生活在同一个真实世界里。”
据 Grill 说,制作组使用最新版本的NUKE来掌控影片的这些合成工作,NUKE是制作组在1994年首先开发的专业合成系统。据他解释说,NUKE是强效合成器, 能够容易地掌控大批处理工作。“NUKE的强项在于它能够在多种处理器中运行。 在The Grinch 电影中,有时我们会同时在多达 75 个处理器中制作,”他说。“如果你想要完成一份出色的工作,你就必须了解你的工具的长处,最好的是用他已取得的最好的效果,”最后他总结说。“那样才是聪明的工作方法,而唯有这种方法才能让你取得最好的结果。
When making complex synthetic images, the key is to configure the right tools, so as to apply these tools and their performance to grasp the special requirements in the work best. Otherwise, you will be forced to cut short clips to achieve the desired effect. At the same time, you have to take on the risk of damaging your production tasks and your reputation.
As the global production company blockbuster Dr. Seuss Grinch (How The Grinch stole Stole Christmas Christmas) synthesis director, the field of digital production company Bryan Gill, which ensures that he and her team is equipped with a whole NUKE performance rich tools, these powerful tools to deal with any challenges at work including NUKE, visual effects and synthesis of these tools.
According to Grill, in the The Grinch film, visual effects supervisor Kevin Mack, Julian Levi CG visual effects production, director of Matthew Butler, director of the Vernon Wilbert extension set, animation director Randall Rosa, and a group of about 70 visual designers and 27 technicians responsible for synthesis of a total of 356 shots. Of these shots, 80% involved the complex blue screen synthesis, and most of the work included making the scenery for the two main venues of the movie, Whoville and Crumpit mountain.
"In the whole work, this is one of the most challenging tasks: to extend the scenery for these venues, and to synthesize them into their respective scenes," Grill said, and the most important thing is to make them live in the same real world.
According to Grill, the production team used the latest version of NUKE to control these synthetic works. NUKE is the professional synthesis system developed by the production team in 1994. According to his explanation, NUKE is a powerful synthesizer that can easily control a large number of processing work. "The strength of NUKE is that it can run in a variety of processors. In The Grinch movies, we sometimes make up to 75 processors at the same time, "he said.
If you want to finish a good job, you must understand the strength of your tools, and the best is to use the best results he has achieved. "That's the clever way to work, but this is the only way to get the best results.
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