本视频教程是由InfiniteSkills机构出品的AutoCAD 3D 2016综合训练视频教程,InfiniteSkills Learning Autodesk AutoCAD 3D 2016,时长:11小时,大小:2.6 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:AutoCAD 2016,作者:Brian Benton,共98章,语言:英语。
AutoCAD(Auto Computer Aided Design)是美国Autodesk公司首次于1982年开发的自动计算机辅助设计软件,用于二维绘图、详细绘制、设计文档和基本三维设计。现已经成为国际上广为流行的绘图工具。AutoCAD具有良好的用户界面,通过交互菜单或命令行方式便可以进行各种操作。它的多文档设计环境,让非计算机专业人员也能很快地学会使用。在不断实践的过程中更好地掌握它的各种应用和开发技巧,从而不断提高工作效率。AutoCAD具有广泛的适应性,它可以在各种操作系统支持的微型计算机和工作站上运行。
InfiniteSkills Learning Autodesk AutoCAD 3D 2016
In this AutoCAD 3D 2016 training course, expert author Seth Cohen will show you how to use the powerful tools available in this computer aided design software from Autodesk. This course is designed for the 3D beginner, but it is recommended that you are familiar with the basics of AutoCAD before attempting this course.
You will start with an introduction to 3D modeling and how to navigate and work in AutoCAD 3D. Seth will then jump into teaching you how to create 3D models, covering topics such as wireframes, surface modeling, primitive solid models, and creating models from 2D profiles. This video tutorial will also teach you how to create composite solids, add detail with filleting and chamfering, and edit the solid models. You will also cover modifying the model position, duplicating the model, converting 2D objects to solids or surfaces, and viewing and plotting your models. Finally, you will learn about rendering, recording an animation, and using ShowMotion for presentations.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of creating, editing, rendering, and presenting your own 3D models using AutoCAD 3D. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.
[url=AutoCAD 3D 2016综合训练视频教程.rar (2.73 GB)]AutoCAD 3D 2016综合训练视频教程.rar (2.73 GB)[/url]